you folks do love to give really complicated answers for what really is a simple question...
at its basic form a piece of anti-matter is a piece of matter viewed in a mirror, a mirror that reflects both charge and parity, (if your wondering what parity is, don't, your at high school and won't really know enough physics till college/university to understand, if anyone wants to give a layman’s explanation go ahead, rather you than me). Charge is pretty simple and that’s already been explained...
Say you looked at your hand in the mirror, everything should look the same, act the same, behave the same but in reverse. Anti-matter is just the opposite of matter, nothing more and nothing can create it in labs, relatively easily, you do not go into space and collect it...!!
Particle accelerators...the big accelerators, the likes of CERN (which is not operational at the moment, undergoing a large upgrade) and Fermilab use particles called Hardons, hence the name of the next ring of CERN is called the LHC, Large Hadron Collider...
The Hadron's used in the beams of these collider’s are proton's, your everyday particles that are in the nucleus of your atoms, they contain three Quarks (uud), 2 Up and 1 Down quark...I’ll leave it to you to find out about Quarks, basically your neutron and proton are not singular particles, i.e. they are made up of more things, so far to our knowledge an electron is singular and as such belongs to a whole other family of particles called Leptons...
which takes me to neutrinos, there are billions of them passing through you right now....they are NOT radioactive, otherwise we would all be glowing right now...they are also weakly interacting, why till only recently we've been able to study them, i.e. they pass through objects without effecting them...
neutrinos are an interesting particle...I should know I just did my final year physics project at University on an experiment that involves making them and aiming them at a big detector... :p
Neutrinos are virtually mass they are so small we have yet to have a finite measurement on their size, we can only say they are smaller than 'this'...
One interesting feature of neutrinos is that they can oscillate between 'flavours' there are three flavours, electron-neutrino, muon-neutrino and tau-neutrino, these three flavours relate to the three 'generations' of particles, if you've looked up quarks you'll know what I mean by now...and that each generation relates to a higher mass...this is an interesting fact in itself which is still not understood...
So neutrinos can oscillate into 1 of three different types, each with a supposed different mass...what’s interesting however is when we look at anti-neutrinos they oscillate into different 'flavours' at different rates...this goes against quite a few laws of physics, specially that anti-particles should have the same properties but in reverse to that of particles...i.e. this oscillation factor should be the same...that fact this it isn't relates to a action called CP-Violation, Charge/Parity-Violation
which leads me nicely to another point...the Big Bang...
It predicts that equal amounts of matter and anti-matter were produced in the Big Band and according to the laws of physics (as we know them) one would expect for each particle and anti-particle to annihilate each other and leave us with a universe of just pure what’s up?
either there was more matter than anti-matter in the initial explosion, therefore the Big Bang model needs altering..or the interactions between matter and anti-matter have a preference for matter surviving the collision, a type of yet we don't know which is true, or if they are both wrong and something else is going on...
there are a bunch of new experiments coming online in the next 2-5 years which will hope to answer these questions so keep an eye on the news...
/end of physics lesson.... :p
[just correcting some rather embrassing typos]
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.