What is the big coincidence? I know the whole name thing...let me post some quotes from sites...
Here's in relation to the prophecy
"The Glory of the Olive. The Order of St. Benedict has said this Pope will come from their order. It is interesting that Jesus gave his apocalyptic prophecy about the end of time from the Mount of Olives. This Pope will reign during the beginning of the tribulation Jesus spoke of. The 111th prophesy is “Gloria Olivae” (The Glory of the Olive). The Order of Saint Benedict has claimed that this pope will come from their ranks. Saint Benedict himself prophesied that before the end of the world his Order, known also as the Olivetans, will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its fight against evil."
Then the Ritzinger chooses Benedict XVI.
However, I fail to see how this is that freaky.
Here's some counterpoints and points.
1) There was a website called [url]www.catholicplanet.com[/url] which actually predicted the name of next pope before John Paul II even died. This has been verified. However, they also said the next pope would be African, as did many others.
2) Many speculate the Vatican is self fufilling the prophecy. Meaning they know about the prophecy and are choosing popes based on this. Also possible, Ratzinger chose his name based on that fact (since the prophecy is very well known). A self fufilling prophecy is as valid as me stating I'm going to jump up in 5 seconds, and then proceed to jump up after 5 seconds. Of course it will happen if I try to follow it.
3) Again, the prophecies are mostly regarded as being forgeries.
4) Weird coincidence, Benedict XV reigned during the 'miracle at fatima' event. Here's a quote. 'Turns out that during Benedict XV’s reign, the “miracle” of Fatima occurred, which had everything to do with denouncing Communism and Russa. Ratzinger is also closely connected to the Fatima mysteries, and a huge opponent of supposed “Marxist” Liberation Theology. Coincidence?'
5) Someone has a point on how a pope can fit anything. One website states "Those who seek shall find, eventually". Meaning if you keep studying one person, you will find something that fits the prophecy.
Here's one on John Paul II. "Seriously, the real problem with these prophecies is that they are so vague as to be meaningless. Consider John Paul II: Couldn't he just as well be "Ignis Ardens," the burning fire, given his hard-line stance on many social and political issues? Couldn't he be the Pilgrim Pope (Pius VI's ostensible title), given how John Paul II has traveled more than any of his predecessors--and has made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem? Could he not be "Of the Half Moon" (John Paul I's title), again because of these partial solar eclipses? These are just the things I recalled off the top of my head; I'm sure that more could very easily be found if I put any effort into it"
People are making it out that cause he chose the name Benedict it means its true. If it was like Benedict III, I'd be more concerned. IT'S THE 16th! Its fairly common. He chose Benedict because of his stances on stuff. He's fairly traditional.
Here's another good quote on the speculated forgery as I was stating.
"Reputable scholars have researched the Prophecy of Malachy and dated it to the 16th century, because there is no mention of it prior to that time. Those who want to believe in the prophecy explain this discrepancy by saying that it was kept hidden for centuries. However, the prophecies, which consist of enigmatical oracles taken from scriptures, supposedly referring to each pope from Celestine to the end of the world, rely on symbolic terms that can be interpreted this way or that, made to fit every pope if we try hard enough. Most significantly, the symbols used to identify the "future" popes are highly accurate and on-target until 1590, but they're extremely vague afterward, leading to the conclusion that it's a 16th forgery.
Researchers further concluded that they were invented at the request of a certain cardinal who wished to have his coat-of-arms match one mentioned in a prophecy in order to get elected pope. Although he was not elected, the papal prophecies attracted much interest and soon became widely read, passed along to modern times with the prophecies of Nostradamus"
So there's the evidence. The only thing that is so freaky is he chose the name Benedict. The 16th. A common pope name.
Hopefully there's more of a coincidence then that