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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Sentences that would have changed the world
Sentences that would have changed the world
2004-05-09, 3:13 PM #41
Jesus - "Are you really my father?"
God - "No, you're adopted."
2004-05-09, 3:55 PM #42
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Acharjay:
He actually did say that. []


Not quite, actually, he jsut tried to convice God to chose someone else. And i meant it as in he walked away after saying that.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
Scions of Light[/i]
The Never Ending Story Squared[/i]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-05-09, 4:13 PM #43
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Flirbnic:
"Hey, this music is pretty good." - Morgoth


Hahahahahahaha. <3

There are two asses in Massassi... and I'm one of them.
The Matrix Unplugged|My Portfolio|My Levels
2004-05-09, 5:18 PM #44
"I think it's appalling how poorly we treat communists in this country - everyone is entitled to their politcal beliefs." - Joe McCarthy

"Mr. Gorbachev - fix that wall up! The people in West Berlin are becoming more depressed at the sight of all the poverty in East Berlin!" - Ronald Reagan
2004-05-09, 5:57 PM #45
You have (1) new message(s) in your inbox

Subject: about tomorrow

I was gonna send a runner, but I figured I'd just e-mail you instead. I'm not really dead, it's just a trick, so please don't kill yourself.




When bread becomes toast, it can never go back to being bread again.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-05-09, 10:46 PM #46
"Let me get this expect me to kill my son to please a voice in my head?" --Abraham

" are my father." --Darth Vader

If you can read this, you need better glasses.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2004-05-09, 11:44 PM #47
"God is--no, wait, on second thought, I better not say that...don't want to end up dying screaming of syphilis or something...."

Dark, Darker, Darko

RIP Madaventor: God bless you.
I live in the weak, and the wounded.
2004-05-10, 2:08 AM #48
"Ahh, you guys look human enough to me." -Rick Deckard

"It's OK, I can take him..." -Qui-Gon Jinn

"Nah, red isn't my colour." -Arnold Cunningham

A cookie for whomever gets the first one. Three cookies to whomever gets the third one. A patronising pat on the back for the second one....
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2004-05-10, 2:26 AM #49
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by The Last True Evil:
"Ahh, you guys look human enough to me." -Rick Deckard</font>

Blade Runner.

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-05-11, 5:22 PM #50
"Tell Wellington I want to take a rain check on this one." - Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815

"Wait, I've got the Kurds and the Shiites in the same country. I'd better redraw this." - Gertrude Bell, 1918

"Why aren't I'm using at these pictures?" - Cloud, 4/14/02
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.

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