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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Football vs. Cross-Country Running
Football vs. Cross-Country Running
2005-06-07, 7:14 PM #81
Hey Zloc, try taking Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. There are tournements all around. They have gi, no gi and NHB tournements. I plan to do at least one NHB tourney before I ever give that up. (Ummm. for those that don't know, NHB stands for No-holds barred. punching and kicking is allowed. Basically a UFC fight.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2005-06-07, 7:16 PM #82
I played four years of High School football, and then i ran winter track, i found that football was wayyyy more of a mentally toughening sport than track was. When its 90 degrees in the middle of August and you have to make it through two practices a day while most of your friends are sitting by a pool or beach drinking ice cold lemonade, you definately get a certain degree of mental edge over alot of other people. Football can also be very physically demanding, as you are taking your licks day in and day out in any kind of weather. Track however, is a very self motivating sport, theres no hiding like there is in football where you could be a fourth string lineman, and still have the honor of saying that you were on the football team, unlike track where everyone can see you run. In conclusion, i would say the lessons i learned in football gave me much better life expierence than track so i would reccommend football.
I <3 Massassi
2005-06-07, 9:58 PM #83
right on jdogg

about the whole martial arts business... well most of the training that they give is self defense take downs and manuevers, being a world champion is sure something to be proud of BUT... a boxer who knows his ins and outs is really just not a fun person ever to fight, all they do is practice getting beat and beating on others. Id like to see chuck norris (why he came up as the more popular reference to MA then bruce lee, i dont know) take on Mike Tyson or Oscar de le Hoya... those guys are just ridiculous in the way they destroy people, even the great Ali in his day was just one crazy individual, he took so many shots to the head he now literally shakes, that is SOMETHING to be said about boxers. Bruce Lee was one of the last of his time, he trained like a boxer without a more all out attack and physical prowess type attitude. The guy could hold his fist an inch away from your rib cage and flinch and break your rib cage, he had that much strength. I know this has nothing to do with the thread, but in this day and age martial arts have gone by the wayside... (wire-fu doesn't count)
2005-06-07, 10:11 PM #84
Originally posted by never_again
right on jdogg

about the whole martial arts business... well most of the training that they give is self defense take downs and manuevers, being a world champion is sure something to be proud of BUT... a boxer who knows his ins and outs is really just not a fun person ever to fight, all they do is practice getting beat and beating on others. Id like to see chuck norris (why he came up as the more popular reference to MA then bruce lee, i dont know) take on Mike Tyson or Oscar de le Hoya... those guys are just ridiculous in the way they destroy people, even the great Ali in his day was just one crazy individual, he took so many shots to the head he now literally shakes, that is SOMETHING to be said about boxers. Bruce Lee was one of the last of his time, he trained like a boxer without a more all out attack and physical prowess type attitude. The guy could hold his fist an inch away from your rib cage and flinch and break your rib cage, he had that much strength. I know this has nothing to do with the thread, but in this day and age martial arts have gone by the wayside... (wire-fu doesn't count)

I don't care if you say Chuck Norris might lose. He probally would *In a boxing match*. If Arnold is human, and Chuck Norris knows Dim Mak (doubtful), he can easily be badly injured in two-three taps.

But we can all agree Bruce Lee would gank those two, if he were still living. But remeber he lost one match once...but he got revenge. :)
2005-06-07, 10:12 PM #85
Originally posted by Outlaw Torn
Hey Zloc, try taking Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. There are tournements all around. They have gi, no gi and NHB tournements. I plan to do at least one NHB tourney before I ever give that up. (Ummm. for those that don't know, NHB stands for No-holds barred. punching and kicking is allowed. Basically a UFC fight.

UFC rules. Or did until this reality TV came up.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu = extremly fun stuff. Especially if you enjoy wrestling. It's more ground tactics, but even then, it's great to see another guy tap out.
2005-06-08, 12:30 AM #86
Originally posted by never_again
Speaking from 'experience' there eh rob???

2-a-days... I bet most runners would quit before it was over too...

Football is a entirely different kind of shape you get into.. where running just leans you down and gives you all the stamina in the world, football gives you adrenaline rushes and a better H.S. sport experience. Not discrediting runners but you do not affect each other while competeing and that is my unofficial definition of a sport. Yeah you can say this and that but you know it is true.

I can't do either, to be honest.

I've broken my knee three times.

However, I do know you get in way better cardiovascular shape doing cross country than you do playing football.
2005-06-08, 6:25 AM #87

rob you can't just stand on the sidelines and watch both and judge what gives you a better cardio workout... its not like your sitting down after a play during practice, and hitting takes so much energy you have no clue what its like to get up off a big hit and be ready to go again. bull**** you can't do either as well... thats honestly being a panzy, i broke all kinds of stuff playing sports (collar bone! being one of the worse injuries) and if you train yourself you can pretty much do anything...
2005-06-08, 8:37 AM #88
The track team and the football team practiced intandem.

They always did their laps at the SAME time.

The football team, always finished their laps last, and they had less to do.

They became winded the fastest, and had the most people that had to stop running and start walking.

That example aside.

Cross country, and running in general are a better cardio workouts.

End of discussion.

You also don't seem to understand, the severity of my injuries.

My knee cap basically came off, and left the rest of my leg hanging by skin the first time I broke it.

The second time I broke my knee, was from stress.

The third time, I jumped down 6 steps, landed... snap. Fell down. PAIN.

It's not me being a pansy, it's me not being a total freaking moron.
2005-06-08, 11:01 AM #89
Originally posted by never_again

rob you can't just stand on the sidelines and watch both and judge what gives you a better cardio workout... its not like your sitting down after a play during practice, and hitting takes so much energy you have no clue what its like to get up off a big hit and be ready to go again. bull**** you can't do either as well... thats honestly being a panzy, i broke all kinds of stuff playing sports (collar bone! being one of the worse injuries) and if you train yourself you can pretty much do anything...

Yes you can if you know anything about the sports in question. Football shape is for strength and explosiveness so you can go hard for a play, recover between plays and while not on the field because you don't run constantly for the whole game, like soccer or basketball.
Pissed Off?
2005-06-08, 12:28 PM #90
playing football is extremely draining both physically and mentally. For the mental side, in high school anyways which is basically what you're asking about, you have to remember 20+ plays, and all of the special teams, and assignments you have, for the physical aspect, you have to run your balls off for 10 seconds at a time with full pads in 90 degree heat for 2 hours at a time, very draining
I <3 Massassi

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