Lately I've been shocked at the amount of commercials for drugs on tv. It seems like every commercial break there is a new drug for any little health inconveniance from overactive bladder to who knows what the ****. It just seems ridiculous. "Don't take drugs kids! At least, not the ones that get you high, those are dangerous! But of course, feel free to pop anything your local pharmacutical company has to offer, after all, it's thoroughly government tested and is completely safe! (Although side effects include severe risk of heart failure, liver failure, brain damage, and occassionally death)"
We are sending such a mixed message to today's youth it's not even funny. How do you plan to keep your kid's off drugs when every other commericla they see on TV is an advertisement for a drug? It's just going to condition society to medicate away any of their problems. Can't fit in at school? Your not shy, you have a disorder! Pop this purple pill every day and you'll be normal! ...It's just so ****ed up.
We are sending such a mixed message to today's youth it's not even funny. How do you plan to keep your kid's off drugs when every other commericla they see on TV is an advertisement for a drug? It's just going to condition society to medicate away any of their problems. Can't fit in at school? Your not shy, you have a disorder! Pop this purple pill every day and you'll be normal! ...It's just so ****ed up.