Fair use - you can use it as a parody, for a product review, to identify something as belonging to someone else, in a news article, etc. But I couldn't take Ford's logo and paste it on my site and use Ford as the name of my site.
Yes, the books are copyrighted and it's possible that Lucas owns the word "massassi" as a trademark. But it's also possible he does not. I know when I started the site I did a search for "massassi" as a trademark and it came up empty. Also, what we do here benefits LucasArts (for the most part) and they have known about us for a really, really long time. Your rights to take someone down for trademark infringement don't last forever, if you don't actively stomp -all- those using your trademark, your trademark is no longer in force. However, I would not want to go up against lucasarts in court, if they sent me a letter asking for the domain names, I'm not sure what I would do. I doubt that will happen but there's always a chance.
And this is a fan site - we are using the name to identify ourselves with the star wars universe and the games we like to play. We aren't doing anything derogatory or inflammatory. We are not claiming we are lucasarts or lucasfilm. In fact, we have a disclaimer specifically telling people we are NOT them