I love how the country has more problems than it can solve, such as homelessness, poverty, school funding, etc., but lawmakers who can do something about it would rather vote seven times on whether or not flag burning should be allowed. It's not that hard. Yes, it's disrespectful, but anyone should be free to do it if they wish. I don't understand why they have to continuously debate the same topic, even when it has failed seven times. And honestly, don't you think the police should have better things to do than imposing fines on someone who burns a flag?
As for the more powerful eminent domain going into effect, I'm not happy about that at all. If I own land, it should be mine. Plus, like Brian said, who is the government to know what my house is worth? What if I design and build my own house, not just a cookie cutter tract home? I don't trust the local government to accurately assess the fair market value of my home. If they ever tried to pull that on me, they would have to fight me tooth and nail to get it passed. I would be an Arthur Dent if need be.
As for the more powerful eminent domain going into effect, I'm not happy about that at all. If I own land, it should be mine. Plus, like Brian said, who is the government to know what my house is worth? What if I design and build my own house, not just a cookie cutter tract home? I don't trust the local government to accurately assess the fair market value of my home. If they ever tried to pull that on me, they would have to fight me tooth and nail to get it passed. I would be an Arthur Dent if need be.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.