I really don't want to post about what happened completely, because it hurts too much and you guys really don't need to know..
All I'm asking for is some cheering up and sympathy really, because I feel absolutley horrible. My one shot at true love, came crashing down last night. The girl of my dreams, the girl I love so much, decided that she'd rather be with her X instead of me.
We wern't boyfriend and girlfriend, but we've been dating for about 3 months now. You can tell me that it probobly wasn't really love, and I just really cared for her, but that was not the case..
Last night, after talking with her in a park for four hours, I took her home, but on the way home I couldn't hold it any longer. I burst in to tears while driving, when she asked me if I would be alright. I had to pull over to the side of the road because I couldn't see through my watery eyes.
She is the most perfect girl I have ever met in my entire life..
Another thing that's hard about all of this is that my parents, brother, and sister, all think differently of the situation. My mother basically started it all, taking things in her mind much farther than they actually were. She basically told my family that this girl was my girlfriend.
So now they have it implanted in their head that her and I are in a perfect world and we are going out, and that we will be together for awhile.. And I cannot see myself telling them the truth, as it hurts too much. So I constantly just tell them to stop talking about it, and drop it, and I find how much it angers me to be completely wrong.
My heart hurt last night, and I never thought that a broken heart would actually "hurt". My chest was going crazy, and I cried myself to sleep.
I know how pathetic I sound, and I'm sorry. Please guys, just give me some support in this horrible time.
All I'm asking for is some cheering up and sympathy really, because I feel absolutley horrible. My one shot at true love, came crashing down last night. The girl of my dreams, the girl I love so much, decided that she'd rather be with her X instead of me.
We wern't boyfriend and girlfriend, but we've been dating for about 3 months now. You can tell me that it probobly wasn't really love, and I just really cared for her, but that was not the case..
Last night, after talking with her in a park for four hours, I took her home, but on the way home I couldn't hold it any longer. I burst in to tears while driving, when she asked me if I would be alright. I had to pull over to the side of the road because I couldn't see through my watery eyes.
She is the most perfect girl I have ever met in my entire life..
Another thing that's hard about all of this is that my parents, brother, and sister, all think differently of the situation. My mother basically started it all, taking things in her mind much farther than they actually were. She basically told my family that this girl was my girlfriend.
So now they have it implanted in their head that her and I are in a perfect world and we are going out, and that we will be together for awhile.. And I cannot see myself telling them the truth, as it hurts too much. So I constantly just tell them to stop talking about it, and drop it, and I find how much it angers me to be completely wrong.
My heart hurt last night, and I never thought that a broken heart would actually "hurt". My chest was going crazy, and I cried myself to sleep.
I know how pathetic I sound, and I'm sorry. Please guys, just give me some support in this horrible time.

Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)