Matterialize [first post]: Duh.

It's not even worth considering to be true. They said that same thing about the GameCube playing PS/PS2 games I thought.
The X-Box 360 and PS3 will supposedly not be as powerful as their benchmarks and mhz speed indicate. According to some tests done on the processors that will be used or something, the systems' processors will only be about 2x as powerful as the previous generations'.
Compare that to the Revolution, which Nintendo has commented will be "only" 2x to 3x more powerful than the GameCube, and I'm getting more interested.
I forget where I read this article. I thought slashdot, but I couldn't find it.
Anyways I'm definately excited about the FREE Nintendo WIFI multiplayer service. Coming to some DS games soon, and it seems it will be a big part of the Revolution. At least, Nintendo seems to be focusing more on the MP aspect of games. For example, Mario 64 DS and Yoshi's Touch and Go, two games which you wouldn't expect to have MP modes, both have them.
[Edit: Mat, they haven't released the "paddle" design yet. :)]
[Edit: Sol: You will be able to download supposedly ANY game for any classic Nintendo console. I'm guessing they'll do Nintendo, SNES, and N64 games. Maybe GB and GBC, definately not GBA or GameCube. Or maybe they'll release games that are N years old, so you could see some games for the newer consoles. At any rate, they haven't yet decided whether this feature will be free or whether you'll have to pay a small price to download a game.]
[Edit: Mono... you might want to check out Revolution's online capabilites before deciding too quickly, they seem to be targetting X-Box Live... like I said, they will be offering a FREE service.
Of course, that could force MS to lower or drop Live fees (doubtful) in which case everyone wins. :)]