12, 105 - 110, 5' - 5'1" and he's aout 4' 9"...although lots of my weight it muscle, although there's a good deal of fat in there (i'm not fat, by any means) And Dark Knight...yeah. I can be just as bad. I admit it. And oh, God forbid this kid do something outside. What he and his friend does is play a wrestling game on the PS2...and a few other things. He does nothing outside. I've done about 75% of the mowing (15 mowable acres) with my mom doing 25%. And I've tried to get him to go run with me (prepping for cross country), or atleast go for WALKS, but he refuses. And Obi, he has what I call...mother insurance. If I do anything to him other than grab him and throw him on the floor (we occasionally wrestle...but if i punch him there i know i'll hurt and i'll be dead.). So basically, what this means is I have no way of hurting him, with no basement or crawl space (it's hard to get to it).
He wears clothes bigger than me. My parents always tell me "He's gonna be bigger than you" Which is gonna be true. And yes...I admit, I was just mad at the boy for disrupting my download. It was immature, and I admit it. I'm sorry for posting a flame about my brother, whom none of you know.
I had a blog. It sucked.