there has yet to be any credible link between Al Qaeda and the bombings, yes its highly likely but nothing concrete as yet so lets just wait for a confirmed answer.
the general feeling I’m getting in England at the moment is we knew this was coming, not if, but when. Its not really a surprise that they hit London at this time, personally I'm surprised the security agencies weren't more prepared, but then you can't really guard against events such as these..
as for the relevance in regard to the Iraq war, the reasons for going to war have been proven to be false, however, lets take a look at the future for the country as it stands;
1) They are no longer under the control of a dictator,
2) There is freedom of expression and people are no longer being killed/persecuted for their beliefs,
should we concerned that the reasons for going to war were false, yes, should we be against the continued occupation, no, we can't go into a country, rip apart its government and then decide that,
"oopps, sorry folks we shouldn't have gone to war, hope you don't mind but we're going home now, sorry for the mess..."
if we did that Iraq would implode on itself and in 10-15 years could well be in the same situation it was in when we entered. We (the US, UK and others) need to say in the country up until proper government is in place and is able to police their own country.
Too long has the western world looked on as the middle eastern countries have imposed their rule and beliefs over their people with the money we have given them through oil.
The western countries have an obligation to the rest of world to try and get rid of dictators, forced rule and oppression not only in the middle east but Africa and the rest of the world. This can not always be done by peaceful means and more often than not will require the use of force to achieve the required goals.
Does this mean the ultimate goal of freeing the Iraq people from Saddam’s rule justifies going to war, no, but we can not just leave Iraq to fend for itself after ripping it apart.
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.