I really have to agree although I don't think you really mean the most boring movie ever. I actually saw the film again yesterday with my daughter. I was reminded how bored I was the first time by how bored I was yesterday. Even the parts I thought it did well the first time seemed less impressive this time. Overall my opinion hasn't changed. It's still probably the second best Batman movie second only to the '89 Batman. It was an origin film so I can forgive much of the slowness, I liked his origin and give it points for that. Batmobile, while better than some of the previous models still isn't as cool as the 89 version, imo. Of course the director for the first Batman, Burton, was a mixed bag. Great at the Batman stuff but a little weird on the Wayne stuff. I think Batman Begins could have been better if it borrowed a little from the 89 film. That's what would have put it over the top for me. But, hey, no film is perfect and the fans are the biggest critics.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16