Oh, I wasn't directing that at you, exactly, just kinda stating in general. KnobZ asked if any of them were worth reading, and you said you still were missing some books, so I jumped into EU mode and started spouting out suggestions :p
KJA, IMO, writes at as someon else above described as a middleschool comprehension level. Which isn't exactly a
bad thing (and, in fact, the young jedi knight series, aimed for middleschoolers, was excellent for what it was intended for and was what got me into the EU), but they're just a bit cheesy, for lack of a better term. If like it, or atleast tolerate it, more power to you, but it just doesn't really fit my taste. He's not a bad author, just not an author that I like too much. (And admittably much better than the lady who did Crystal Star)
As for Survivor's Quest, it's a book focusing on Luke and Mara, between the Hand of Thrawn duology and the NJO. Pretty much they head to the unknown regions, run into the chiss, and find what was left of the outbound flight project. It doesn't have much impact on galactic events, but if you liked the Thrawn series, it's something worth reading.
Also, Zahn's written a book about outbound flight itself, titled, well, Outbound Flight :p. It's set to be released this october, I think.
Then sometime this month, Dark Nest I: Joiner King is released, part of a trilogy by Troy Denning (Star by Star and Tatooine Ghost) set after the NJO. Not much is known about the plot, but supposedly it ties in with the NJO, Tatooine Ghost, and the new series of books. Also, Kyle Katarn is said to have a role in it
Then sometime within the next year or so (don't remember the dates), the first book of the new Legacy of the Force series is released, set I think 5 years after the closing of the NJO. It's a 9 book series opening up a "new era" in Star Wars, based mostly around the newer, younger characters. Aaron Allston (Wraith Squadron series, Starfighters of Adumar, and Enemy Lines 1 & 2), Troy Denning, and Karen Traviss (Republic Commando: Hard Contact) will each be writing three books each, but not in trilogies; they're alternating per-book, starting with the first book written by Allston, titled 'Betrayal'. Again, not much is known about the plot, but those three are each great authors, so I'm looking forward to that.
Speaking of Republic Commando, I highly suggest that, as well. It was a surprisingly good book (I had low hopes, as it was written as a promotional thing for the game, but it turned out to be really good), and showed a side of the clone army that you don't normally see. There's also a sequel, Republic Commando: Triple Zero being released sometime soon, too, but I don't know about the specifics.
And there I go again, randomly spouting out information. Sorry about that
