Originally posted by SG-fan
Wow, A_Big_Fat_CoW, where did you get all that?!?!
I've been trying to figure out when the next books are coming for months now.
Now for a simple question. I've heard about a book that deals with a clone of the emperor. Supposedly, Luke turns dark in it as well. Does anyone know what that book's called? I've looked everywhere online/offline and can't find the name of it. The only thing I've found are referenced to it in the other Star Wars books. (every now and then, they'll make reference to the cloned emperor and Luke's brush with the dark side) If anyone can help me find this book, I would greatly appreciate it.
Wow, A_Big_Fat_CoW, where did you get all that?!?!
I've been trying to figure out when the next books are coming for months now.
Now for a simple question. I've heard about a book that deals with a clone of the emperor. Supposedly, Luke turns dark in it as well. Does anyone know what that book's called? I've looked everywhere online/offline and can't find the name of it. The only thing I've found are referenced to it in the other Star Wars books. (every now and then, they'll make reference to the cloned emperor and Luke's brush with the dark side) If anyone can help me find this book, I would greatly appreciate it.
I went to the EU panel at C3

But theforce.net also has a lot of information, if you know where to look for it