Allow me to sum up my intended statement.
Okay, yes, I don't care much for the band. Those are excellent seats that he's got there, but he probably could've pushed his way up to those seats without having to pay as much money as he did. That's all I'm saying. No crack on him or his musical interests.
Okay, so maybe "ripped off" wasn't the best word usage. As an avid concert goer, however, I know that your best bet is to buy cheaper tickets and push your way to where you want to be, than to pay more than usual while taking the risk of possibly getting pushed back, especially at a wild concert such as this one.
But I can understand not wanting to fight the crowd. It can be rough in there.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are one of the hundreds of parachuting enthusiasts who bought our "Easy Sky Diving" book, please make the following correction: on page 8, line 7, the words "state zip code" should have read "pull rip cord."