Michael MacFarlane
Unwitting troll accomplice
Posts: 8,272
And on the other hand, it's not inconceivable that someone willing to violate the laws of his religion by slaughtering innocents
Some other points in rebuttal to those raised on the website:
- From everything I've heard, the short-selling of UAL and AAL stocks was done by the hijackers and their accomplices.
- People, particularly important people, change travel plans all the time, and there are a lot of important people out there. If the attacks had happened on 6/25 instead of 9/11, you could probably come up with a similar list of people who'd changed their plans on that day and the day before.
- The author seems to believe that the immediate response by US air defense would have been to shoot the airliners down. This makes no sense when you consider that, prior to 9/11/01, virtually all airliner hijackings were hostage hijackings in which the hijackers would return the plane and passengers in exchange for money/political concessions/release of prisoners/etc.
- The success of the hijackers in taking the planes with only knives can be explained in similar terms. Flight crews likely believed that the hijacking was a hostage hijacking, and by the time they learned otherwise, it was too late.
- The difficulties in coordination between the FAA and NEADS (Northeast Air Defense Sector) are explained in detail in the first chapter of the 9/11 Commission Report. AA 11 crashed into the North Tower a mere forty seconds after fighters were scrambled. The FAA did not suspect that UA 175 had been hijacked until just eight minutes before it hit the South Tower. NEADS did not know AA 77 was missing until it was four minutes away from hitting the Pentagon, and as the author of Temperamental's article notes, it would have taken the fighters from NYC 9.6 minutes to get to the capital. NEADS did not even know that the last flight, UA 93, had been hijacked until four minutes after it crashed. Both the FAA and the air defense system were completely unprepared for the attacks. The author talks about the AD grid operating "normally" when in fact there was no "normal" response to multiple hijackings and suicide attacks.
- I'm not sure what the author hopes to prove by pointing out that no other steel-frame buildings have ever collapsed in the way the WTC did. To my knowledge, no other steel-frame buildings have ever had a jet-fuel fire in them either.
- No one has yet been able to provide a rational motive for either allowing the attacks to happen or engineering them.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.