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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Power-Rangers is still on!?
Power-Rangers is still on!?
2005-07-29, 3:44 PM #41
The Green/White ranger was always clearly the best. He was the focus of the show for like 2 seasons for god's sake. Personally I liked green more than white but that's just me. Plus he fought in a rip off of mecha-godzilla and how cool is that?
>>untie shoes
2005-07-29, 4:35 PM #42
I've always known this show was cheesy as hell, even when it came out when I was 12 years old. However, that didn't stop me from watching the first two seasons of it, :p
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2005-07-29, 7:32 PM #43
I prefered "Super Human Samurai" myself. That's the one where, if the kid played a certain chord on his guitar, he and his friends would go into a computer, and do battle with.....some bad guys. I forget most things about it, but I do remember that I enjoyed it immensely. I would wake up at 4:00 AM and watch it on YTV.
2005-07-29, 7:35 PM #44
I used to watch that..when did it start? I stopped watching it when i was 4. The new ones aren't cool...but the Mighty Morphin' guys, they rocked.

My brother4 has recently started watching it...and he's 9. I don't know any other kids who watch it.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-07-30, 3:01 AM #45
Originally posted by FCTuner04:
I LOVED the Power Rangers! Once it reached "Power Rangers Turbo" though, it sucked, and I haven't enjoyed it.

With the mention of the Green and White Rangers, I'm surprised no one mentioned the gold ranger, who was also Tommy.


This is how bad I am about remembering things... You've made an error on the Gold Ranger. Originally, he was an alien, who then passed on his power to the former Red Ranger, Jason. I also thought the Green/white ranger was cool. I thought that the first two seasons rocked hard. Especially the Green Ranger Mini Series. And when the introduced Lord Zedd. Zedd was an awesome villain. It started going down hill after Zedd and Rita married. Bleh.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2005-07-30, 3:03 AM #46
Originally posted by Gilgamesh85:
I prefered "Super Human Samurai" myself. That's the one where, if the kid played a certain chord on his guitar, he and his friends would go into a computer, and do battle with.....some bad guys. I forget most things about it, but I do remember that I enjoyed it immensely. I would wake up at 4:00 AM and watch it on YTV.

This I also watched. They had Tim Curry doing the voice of the bad guy. The last episode ruled.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2005-07-30, 7:02 AM #47
Yes. White ranger was by far the best. It went totally down hill and now there like 'lightning rangers' and all this crap. Now its just plain dumb.
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2005-07-30, 2:59 PM #48
[QUOTE=Outlaw Torn]
This is how bad I am about remembering things... You've made an error on the Gold Ranger. Originally, he was an alien, who then passed on his power to the former Red Ranger, Jason. I also thought the Green/white ranger was cool. I thought that the first two seasons rocked hard. Especially the Green Ranger Mini Series. And when the introduced Lord Zedd. Zedd was an awesome villain. It started going down hill after Zedd and Rita married. Bleh.[/QUOTE]

Yeah... I completely forgot it was Jason instead of Tommy... I remember wanting it to be Tommy, and had never thought of Jason when I was thinking about it at the time I posted that... thanks for the reminder...

Oh yeah...

SuperHuman Samurai Cyber Squad was AWESOME... I used to love it, and I always loved Sam (Matthew Lawrence).

[Edit] Ok... So MMPR are on DVD... at least on eBay.... sweet....[/Edit]
Ah the memories...

All of these need to be put on DVD...

I used to the entire tape set of the Green Ranger Saga... I at least want just that on DVD if nothing else...

<3 :(
2005-07-30, 4:38 PM #49
The original formula for the rangers as I remember it was:

Red = white guy/leader
Pink = white girl/sex appeal
Black = black or asian guy
Yellow = asian or black girl (they switched the asian/black between the yellow and black rangers)
Blue = Nerdy guy

Then they got the Green Ranger in there and when they lost Jason as the red ranger they made the white ranger the white guy/leader.

Anyway, this was 10 years ago and I actually still remember it. I remember they had those episodes in Prime Time when for 3 episodes they were getting "new zords with the power of Thunder" and they aired along side some episodes of X-Men (the episodes that led into the Phoenix Saga). But the night the first episode aired happened to be my 11th Birthday, and we were going out for dinner that night. I was like "why do you torment me like this God!? WHY!!!???" Then it was called to my attention that we could set the VCR to TAPE it while we were out. Oh boy was I ever relieved. These were back in the days before Tivo after all (even though I dont even have Tivo today).
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2005-07-30, 4:44 PM #50
I remember being caught up in that whole White/Green Ranger.

He was such a badass. For a long time they didn't know he was Tommy and he was all on his own but he would do whatever he wanted and the power rangers didnt really like him.
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2005-07-30, 4:48 PM #51
Originally posted by oSiRiS:
I remember being caught up in that whole White/Green Ranger.

He was such a badass. For a long time they didn't know he was Tommy and he was all on his own but he would do whatever he wanted and the power rangers didnt really like him.

2005-07-30, 4:48 PM #52
[QUOTE=Outlaw Torn]It started going down hill after Zedd and Rita married. Bleh.[/QUOTE]

Heh, I remember the huge battle station with the "just married" sign on the back, hah great times.
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2005-07-31, 5:01 PM #53
I used to be such a big fan of the Power Rangers. I can recall the guy who was Tommy yelling out "Ai ya!" with every little punch he made. I wouldn't be suprise if he grabbed a glass at the cafe they usually hang out with (Bulk and Skull were usually there, remember the fat and skinny guy?) and go "Ai ya!."
2005-07-31, 6:19 PM #54
Originally posted by KegZ:
[Pic of Amy Jo]

Wow, she's a lot better looking than I remember.

She also did some nude shots. Black and White if I recall.

And the best series was Power Rangers: Lost in Space. I watched that one everyday. :/
2005-07-31, 6:20 PM #55
i'd totally hit the pink ranger
2005-07-31, 6:23 PM #56
As would I.

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