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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What'd the biggest thing you've ever stolen
What'd the biggest thing you've ever stolen
2005-08-06, 7:58 AM #41
They're probably almost nonexistant in the US.
Here in Europe restaurants make profit in drinks not the food. They keep all the food real cheap and serve small drinks which are rather overpriced. While (in my experience) in the US you usually get really big glasses with often free refills (and ice full with chlorine, yuck).
APT 1, 2, 3/4, 5/6
2005-08-06, 8:06 AM #42
I looted a large rug from a car dealership once.

I have looted many pieces of state property.
>>untie shoes
2005-08-06, 9:59 AM #43
A strategy guide for Mario 64.
2005-08-06, 10:22 AM #44
I've never really stolen anything big. Only candy and small toys when I was really young. I work at a supermarket and people always steal stuff there. People try to cheat the self-checkout machines but end up getting caught. Bablyfood and DVDs is the most commonly stoled items. Its always fun seeing security handcuff people. I can remember when this one guy who used to work there stole a hoagie and walked into the backroom with it on his way to the brakeroom. The assistant manager and this security guy were walking out of the back office when they caught him. He was fired on the spot. Pretty funny.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
2005-08-06, 10:31 AM #45
2005-08-06, 10:34 AM #46
My friend bought Halo 2 and his mom was asked if she wanted to buy the strategy guide by the guy at EB Games and she was like "How much?" and the guy said "20 dollars" she was like "Wow, thats a rip off!" so on the way out of the store she swiped one of the guides. >.< She's crazy.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-08-06, 10:45 AM #47
a giant orange road cone...
Pyro Universe The ultimate place for fireworks lovers! Learn how to put on your own show! Fireworks diagrams, instructions, pictures, safety tips, links, and a message board.

Boomtown Fireworks - Washington State fireworks retailer - huge selection!
2005-08-06, 10:56 AM #48
i stole shoes and clothes and food when I was young, until I was 6. I think i must of stolen about 200 pounds worth of stuff throughout my toddler years
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-08-06, 11:01 AM #49
I stole 20 bars of soap all at once. I am ashamed to this day. :gbk:
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-08-06, 11:16 AM #50
A Root Beer Jellybean from the grocery store. - As Featured in Guitar Hero II!
2005-08-06, 11:18 AM #51
Stealing is insanely stupid.
"Art is a lie that makes us to realize the truth."
- Pablo Picasso

blog thingamajig
2005-08-06, 11:24 AM #52
Originally posted by Achelois:
Stealing is insanely stupid.

Sounds like somebodys had a few encounters with stealing.

I haven't stolen anything really, I swiped a Milky Way bar when I was like, 4 I think, but other then that not really.

Except for, you know...

My music.

2005-08-06, 12:20 PM #53
i'm an accomplis to steling a stop sign, and a display sign for shrek. oh, and food from my work, but that cant be proven.
Laughing at my spelling herts my feelings. Well laughing is fine actully, but posting about it is not.
2005-08-06, 12:24 PM #54
Daft, of all the things you could steal... you stole soap?? AHahahahahaha
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-08-06, 1:18 PM #55
Pogs.... thats about it.

Oh yea when I was 3 or 4 I ate a cadberry egg right in the middle of the store. It was a delicious crime.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2005-08-06, 2:04 PM #56
Probably a copy of 3DStudioMax. (Downloaded.It IS stealing, people)
But considering I didn't use it..
Probably an Xbox game.
I don't steal very valuable items. I just steal small things like deordorant and stuff from walmart.
2005-08-06, 2:24 PM #57
Originally posted by SAJN_Master:
My friend bought Halo 2 and his mom was asked if she wanted to buy the strategy guide by the guy at EB Games and she was like "How much?" and the guy said "20 dollars" she was like "Wow, thats a rip off!" so on the way out of the store she swiped one of the guides. >.< She's crazy.

But she didn't object to the $50 pricetag on the game?

... People ARE stupid.

2005-08-06, 2:42 PM #58
[QUOTE=Squirrel King]Probably a copy of 3DStudioMax. (Downloaded.It IS stealing, people)
Maybe so, but in a way, it really isn't. I mean, I doubt you would have shelled out the thousands of dollars to buy it if it wasnt available for free online. So really, the company doesn't lose anything, not even a potential buy since you wouldn't have bought it anyways. Nothing is stolen.
2005-08-06, 2:54 PM #59
Yes, the company has taken no loss, but that's not the definition of stealing.

"To take (the property of another) without right or permission."
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-08-07, 2:57 PM #60
When i was 2 i stole a piece of gum.
This is not the sig you are looking for. Move along.
2005-08-07, 3:32 PM #61
I ripped off a cup of beer from a baseball game vendor.

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