Well... This is officically my FIRST "girl" thread ever to appear on the Internet.
Yesterday at work, I noticed a very, very attractive young female (the kind you go: "habadahabadahabadahabadahabada" over :p.) Anyways, Near the end of the night, with about 1 hour left my supervisor told her (yes! thank you! ) to help me load and unload carts onto and off trailers for the remainder of the night. Sweet I thought, I can hopefully get to know her and become friends.
The first thing I noticed, but didn't think much about at the time, was when my supervisor asked her if she knew how to unload and load carts and to help me, she looked over at me and quickly nodded yes. The funny thing is, she didn't have a clue what to do. She didn't know how to put them in the specific order, or how to put on load bars, or how to take 2 carts at a time. A clue? Or me being overly observent?
So while we were working, she would be cracking jokes, poking fun at herself and I, laughing when herself and I screwed up something, and just seemingly having a good time around me. When we were able to stand around waiting for trucks to come in or whatever, we would be talking about all kinds of subjects. We seemed to have A LOT in common. Even though we didn't know each other, we just seemed to connect. At one point, out of the blue she jokingly poked me in the side and said "did that hurt?" (clue?)
She also WANTED to annoy me in a playful way. I told her how I NEVER look at the time while I'm working because I believe time goes faster when you don't know what time it actually is. Well, every 5 minutes she would proclaim the time to my face, lol. Then after a while I said I'd hit you if you weren't a girl, and she replied how she used to be into kickboxing for 3 years. I like a girl who can kick serious ***, and my *** too probably :o.
Our shift ended (nooooo!) and she headed for the bathroom while I headed to my car after signing out. I was taking my boots off in my car and then I noticed her walking to her car. I yelled out "Have a great weekend!" and she said the same back. While she pulled out to drive away she honked and gave me a last wave.
Now, am I just being a werido, or am I correct in that she is, either: being super-flirty, or cleverly hiding the fact that she likes me?
When I see her again, I'm going to ask if she wants to to get together next weekend as I enjoyed our short time together that much. I hope she doesn't have a BF, or says no.
What's your take on this guys? I've only ever known 4 girls who liked me so I'm no girl expert. Thanks for reading this looooong post and replying. Much appericated.
Yesterday at work, I noticed a very, very attractive young female (the kind you go: "habadahabadahabadahabadahabada" over :p.) Anyways, Near the end of the night, with about 1 hour left my supervisor told her (yes! thank you! ) to help me load and unload carts onto and off trailers for the remainder of the night. Sweet I thought, I can hopefully get to know her and become friends.
The first thing I noticed, but didn't think much about at the time, was when my supervisor asked her if she knew how to unload and load carts and to help me, she looked over at me and quickly nodded yes. The funny thing is, she didn't have a clue what to do. She didn't know how to put them in the specific order, or how to put on load bars, or how to take 2 carts at a time. A clue? Or me being overly observent?
So while we were working, she would be cracking jokes, poking fun at herself and I, laughing when herself and I screwed up something, and just seemingly having a good time around me. When we were able to stand around waiting for trucks to come in or whatever, we would be talking about all kinds of subjects. We seemed to have A LOT in common. Even though we didn't know each other, we just seemed to connect. At one point, out of the blue she jokingly poked me in the side and said "did that hurt?" (clue?)
She also WANTED to annoy me in a playful way. I told her how I NEVER look at the time while I'm working because I believe time goes faster when you don't know what time it actually is. Well, every 5 minutes she would proclaim the time to my face, lol. Then after a while I said I'd hit you if you weren't a girl, and she replied how she used to be into kickboxing for 3 years. I like a girl who can kick serious ***, and my *** too probably :o.
Our shift ended (nooooo!) and she headed for the bathroom while I headed to my car after signing out. I was taking my boots off in my car and then I noticed her walking to her car. I yelled out "Have a great weekend!" and she said the same back. While she pulled out to drive away she honked and gave me a last wave.
Now, am I just being a werido, or am I correct in that she is, either: being super-flirty, or cleverly hiding the fact that she likes me?
When I see her again, I'm going to ask if she wants to to get together next weekend as I enjoyed our short time together that much. I hope she doesn't have a BF, or says no.
What's your take on this guys? I've only ever known 4 girls who liked me so I'm no girl expert. Thanks for reading this looooong post and replying. Much appericated.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;