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ForumsDiscussion Forum → How often would you play a girl in a game?
How often would you play a girl in a game?
2005-08-13, 10:56 AM #41
Originally posted by Thrawn42689:
It's a man, baby!

I was referring to Seung Mina. Necrid's just my favourite and best character, is all.
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
2005-08-13, 11:09 AM #42
2005-08-13, 11:10 AM #43
Originally posted by Thrawn42689:

I'm confused again... what did you mean by "It's a man, baby!"
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
2005-08-13, 11:36 AM #44
I play a female model in QIII -- smaller target..I dunno if it makes a difference, but it can't hurt :p
2005-08-13, 11:38 AM #45
Originally posted by CadetLee:
I play a female model in QIII -- smaller target..

Good point.:eek:

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
2005-08-13, 11:44 AM #46
Originally posted by Matterialize:
I'm confused again... what did you mean by "It's a man, baby!"

It's an Austin Powers reference, which I was just about to post, but then I saw Thrawn had got to it first.
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2005-08-13, 11:44 AM #47
Originally posted by Daft_Vader:
It's an Austin Powers reference, which I was just about to post, but then I saw Thrawn had got to it first.


/me pents fingers
2005-08-13, 2:57 PM #48
In all shooters or RPGs, I prefer playing men, because I think we're better in those situations. In fighting games, I'll occasionally play a hot chick for eye candy and because fighting games tend to weight girls a little more for some reason.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
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2005-08-13, 3:09 PM #49

i enjoyed playing through KOTOR as a girl.
This is not the sig you are looking for. Move along.
2005-08-13, 3:12 PM #50
Mmmmmmmm..... Eye candy

I always play as a girl when i can. :p
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2005-08-14, 8:12 AM #51
I always go female. Like in KotOR/KotOR2 and JA.
2005-08-14, 10:23 AM #52
Except for times I've had to, I used a girl player in one snowboard game. Mainly because they were a bit faster for trick moves and aren't as heavy so they get more speed for jumps. And because it's more enjoyable to stare at a 3D girl's butt while the player is crouched than it is to stare a 3D guy's butt.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2005-08-14, 3:24 PM #53
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2005-08-14, 3:33 PM #54
Is it just me, or is that 'staring at a nice ***' cliche really stupid?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-08-14, 4:23 PM #55
I'll use a female character only if her name is Samus Aran. :)
666, The Number of the Beast.
664, The Bloke Next Door.
Matt Bonner, The Lebron Killer
2005-08-14, 4:31 PM #56
Originally posted by A_Big_Fat_CoW:
I'm a guy, so I play a guy. Guys who play girls disturb me.

(The exception being games where it's unavoidable, such as Perfect Dark or the Metroid series or things like that, or in the case of KotOR where your gender can affect the outcome of the game.)

I'm with you.
2005-08-14, 4:41 PM #57
I generally play as a lady when given the choice because I can tell the difference between what's real and what's a game. But mostly because of Fallout 2, that game was so much more entertaining as a lady, you got far better dialog choices. In RPGs especially, the games tend to be dominated by female magic users and male fighters, so I like to go with a female fighter to break the trend a little.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2005-08-14, 5:17 PM #58
I guess one of the reasons I sometimes play a girl other than I really need a GF is because you get treated differently in the game, especially in a MMO, which I like to exploit. If you don't make it obvious that you are a guy, you can easily fool someone into thinking you are a girl. Sometimes the reactions you'll get are either they try to hit on you (which has happened once) or they'll be more polite to you than usually would with a guy. I always like to exploit that until I decided to shock them by telling them I'm a guy. I even fooled a 36 year old woman in my old WoW guild into thinking I was a girl until I spoke on teamspeak :p
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2005-08-14, 8:29 PM #59
Why, I always do. I also enjoy wearing dresses and playing with dolls :)

Just kidding. But I do often play as girls (as a matter of fact just finished Jedi Academy that way) . I dunno somehow it's more enjoyable to kick *** that way. When you kick *** as a guy that's kind doesn't have the same "umph" behind it. Plus if I have to stare at somebody's backside for a long time I prefer it to be a girl ;)

other than I really need a GF

I think you can scratch that one. I do it and I'm married.
2005-08-14, 8:42 PM #60
I play as a girl... something about them doesn't give you penis envy
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-08-14, 10:13 PM #61
Originally posted by Genki:
I play as a girl... something about them doesn't give you penis envy

It'll probably give any girl in the room T&A envy considering how video game girls look :p
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!

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