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ForumsDiscussion Forum → "I'm divorcing you."
"I'm divorcing you."
2005-08-17, 3:32 PM #41
Originally posted by JDKNITE188:
Bush needs to confront her. Show some backbone. Don't play politics.

Bush is a politician, sir.
2005-08-17, 4:28 PM #42
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY:
You should have to take an IQ test before you're given your rights as an American.

That'd solve the problem of this woman, because someone could just arrest her and throw her in prison until she realizes that being an american soldeir is fighting for what your country's president believes is a good reason to die. Not only did he sign up for it, he signed up reguardless of what his political reasoning is.

But if you had to take an IQ test to gain constitutional right, suddenly the above wouldn't be a problem because bush wouldn't be our president. It seems Democracy assumes that the people know what's best for themselves. A certain level of education requirement as well as sanity would ensure me that people putting a vote into the ballad aren't complete morons.

Or like the person on this forum who flipped a freaking coin.


I declare this post crap.

Anyways, I still maintain this woman is a selfish git.
2005-08-17, 6:57 PM #43
I hate that a lot of idiots have the some rights that I do, but if they're American, they should have those rights, no questions asked. However, stupidity is becoming a huge problem in the US.
Pissed Off?
2005-08-18, 5:49 AM #44
and here in canada too.
2005-08-18, 6:02 AM #45
Well, yeah. That's because a good number of stupid people moved from the U.S. to Canada. :p
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-08-18, 7:21 AM #46
ha!! that's good. thanks. i'm at work and i needed that.
2005-08-18, 7:38 AM #47
I'm half joking about the IQ test [Maybe graduating highschool should instead be a requirement for voting], but I'm really just trying to say that people are complete idiots now adays when someone like bush gets re elected. And I'm not even speaking on a political level. The man is clearly lacking in the area of brains. I don't care if we have a republican, democrat, WHATEVER. As long as s/he can eat an entire meal without choking, give a speach that makes half a lick of sense, debate with his opposition without making a fool of himself, etc etc etc.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-08-18, 4:34 PM #48
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY:
I'm half joking about the IQ test [Maybe graduating highschool should instead be a requirement for voting], but I'm really just trying to say that people are complete idiots now adays when someone like bush gets re elected. And I'm not even speaking on a political level. The man is clearly lacking in the area of brains. I don't care if we have a republican, democrat, WHATEVER. As long as s/he can eat an entire meal without choking, give a speach that makes half a lick of sense, debate with his opposition without making a fool of himself, etc etc etc.


He's making excellent domestic choices as far as the economy goes. But his social issues are....lacking, and his foreign affairs office is made up of texans going "GIT 'EM BOYS!" It all depends on what you're focused on, and people want money. He's been good for the economy, but not much else. He's not stupid either, just because you think he is. The job's a lot harder than most people realize (even me, yes, so don't start that).

Oh and I know plenty of intelligent people that didn't graduate high school. That's a stupid stipulation.

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