No, to get out of the awful economic depression that he himself made worse.
Besides, all the evidence is piling up that Pearl Harbor could've been prevented easily. This isn't just crappy "i heard" evidence too. Documents have been found (although the government still has holds on some since it hasn't become public information yet), people interviewed, the strangest "coincidences". Our intelligence in World War II was amazing, but with the US getting documents straight out warning of Japanese attack, we decide to ignore it?
For four straight weeks before Pearl Harbor, all the ships had been giving warning, that they needed to have the biolers going in case of attack. December 6th and 7th, they for some reason don't get that order?
FDR orders the ships in Pearl Harbor to stay in the bay, even though he received constant warnings from the Admiral there that they were totally unprotected from air attacks.
He's been quoted many a times saying that if the Japanese would not have attacked, he wouldn't of gotten into the war. "Everything was done to "force" an incident to justifty hostilities". He said that at the Atlantic Conference 4 months before Pearl Harbor. Seeing as how Pearl Harbor was the only "incident" that year...
The people's motive to get into the war was by retalliation, FDRs was not.