Damn suburban yuppies who drive huge SUVs to work and back need to stop buying damn SUVs just to drive to work and back! Because then when they run out of gas in their 24 gallon tank after a week of driving, they go and fill up their huge tank, reducing supply, increasing demand and therefore raising the gas prices.
They need to go to the dealership, trade in their huge vehicle that is obviously compensating for something, and get a 4 cylinder that gets 25-30 miles/gallon.
The only people who should be driving SUVs are people who go out and do SPORTY things, where they need to UTILIZE their SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE. Not the afformentioned yuppie who throws his briefcase in the front seat, drives through dutch bros for his morning latte, and swing on into work.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."