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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Gas Prices
Gas Prices
2005-08-18, 7:39 PM #41
2005-08-18, 8:39 PM #42
We are around $2.60 here in the good ol' land of Wisconsin.

Good news it that state government here is pushing a bill (and it's gotten really far) that will get rid of the gas tax. Roughly would save 100 bucks if you have two cars.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-08-18, 8:52 PM #43
But you only save money if you have two cars?
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-08-18, 8:59 PM #44
Damn buck, where are you filling up? The BP here in Sussex is up to $2.78 :(
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2005-08-18, 9:02 PM #45
Originally posted by Detty:
you could always get more fuel-efficient cars...?

It's hard to beat 35mpg highway..just not worth a few thousand $$ to 'upgrade' to a slower car for another 3mpg. :p

[QUOTE=Darth Evad]canadian dollars. US gallons.[/QUOTE]

That brings it down to ~$3.30-ish USD? Not too much higher than what people in CA are probably paying. :(
2005-08-18, 9:04 PM #46
Originally posted by mscbuck:
We are around $2.60 here in the good ol' land of Wisconsin.

$2.60 here too, NE.
2005-08-18, 9:06 PM #47
I'm sure everyone knows, but there's a prototype car that gets 200 MPG on a tank of gas... has 12 or something batteries and requires charging overnight, but it'll be worth it b/c you're not going to fill your tank every 3 days... more like every 3 weeks or something, so you have money to pay for the charging
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-08-18, 9:08 PM #48
I didn't know that and I don't believe it. Link?
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2005-08-18, 9:09 PM #49
Damn suburban yuppies who drive huge SUVs to work and back need to stop buying damn SUVs just to drive to work and back! Because then when they run out of gas in their 24 gallon tank after a week of driving, they go and fill up their huge tank, reducing supply, increasing demand and therefore raising the gas prices.

They need to go to the dealership, trade in their huge vehicle that is obviously compensating for something, and get a 4 cylinder that gets 25-30 miles/gallon.

The only people who should be driving SUVs are people who go out and do SPORTY things, where they need to UTILIZE their SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE. Not the afformentioned yuppie who throws his briefcase in the front seat, drives through dutch bros for his morning latte, and swing on into work.

"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2005-08-18, 9:10 PM #50
I don't have a link because my dad mentioned it in the car yesterday... sorry.

(btw, wish I had a link... I want a car like that)

Okay, I did a seach for "hybrid car" on and got this...
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-08-18, 9:14 PM #51
Originally posted by Avenger:
I take back my previous post.

What annoying is that people still assume oil is going to be around forever.

2005-08-18, 9:19 PM #52
Nice mileage, ugly design
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-08-18, 9:41 PM #53
I drive a Suburban, just spent $75 filling it up. Stupid 35 gallon tank. :gbk:

Also, I drive the Suburban because I need something that I can carry a lot of stuff in for my job, and I didn't want a truck. Sucks that it only gets 12mpg though. :(
gbk is 50 probably

2005-08-18, 9:47 PM #54
$2.67 (as of last night), and I do between $10-20 a day (pizza delivery)
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2005-08-18, 9:48 PM #55
I bet OPEC isn't really the reason gas prices are going up. I bet oil companies are using the war as an excuse to increase prices.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2005-08-18, 9:58 PM #56
I was told there are 2 main reasons for gas price inflation...
1. Supply and Demand -- China and India's gas consumption is growing... you can guess that means high demand and not enough supply -- boom! higher prices
2. The king in Saudi Arabia died and his son took over... someone's supposedly using this as an excuse to raise oil prices, or something like that
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-08-18, 10:01 PM #57
[QUOTE=Darth Slaw]I'm sure everyone knows, but there's a prototype car that gets 200 MPG on a tank of gas... has 12 or something batteries and requires charging overnight, but it'll be worth it b/c you're not going to fill your tank every 3 days... more like every 3 weeks or something, so you have money to pay for the charging[/QUOTE]

I saw that. I'd be all over it if the elctricity came from a clean source. Electric cars are fake environmentally friendly cars, for the most part.
Pissed Off?
2005-08-18, 10:03 PM #58
It's about $2.60-$2.65 here in california... What a rip off. What I would give for a zero-point energy powered car.

They claim that a lot of the refineries are down for "maintenance" but I really suspect price gouging. If I'm right, then they should send whoever's responsible to f***ing hell for it. :mad:
2005-08-18, 10:03 PM #59
Originally posted by Yecti:
I'm getting pissed at 2.75 a gallon... This stuff needs to go back down below 2 dollars.

Never happen.

Page: It's in the $2.80 range down here. It's > $3/ for the 91 octane.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-08-18, 10:04 PM #60
i didnt know this blood for oil deal was gonna be a 1:1 ratio. what a screw
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2005-08-18, 10:05 PM #61
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
Page: It's in the $2.80 range down here. It's > $3/ for the 91 octane.

Gas is more expensive up in Northern Ca. Always has been.
Pissed Off?
2005-08-18, 10:11 PM #62
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
Damn suburban yuppies who drive huge SUVs to work and back need to stop buying damn SUVs just to drive to work and back! Because then when they run out of gas in their 24 gallon tank after a week of driving, they go and fill up their huge tank, reducing supply, increasing demand and therefore raising the gas prices.

They need to go to the dealership, trade in their huge vehicle that is obviously compensating for something, and get a 4 cylinder that gets 25-30 miles/gallon.

The only people who should be driving SUVs are people who go out and do SPORTY things, where they need to UTILIZE their SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE. Not the afformentioned yuppie who throws his briefcase in the front seat, drives through dutch bros for his morning latte, and swing on into work.


quoted for truth, my friend.

I've seen a lot of these people drive like utter a**holes b/c they think they are invincible in their SUVS. It's as if they expect people in vehicles that weigh under 2 tonnes to yield for them. These people totaly fit the stereotypical SUV driver that holds a latte in one hand, a cell phone in the other, and they steer with their knees. It pisses me off immensely.

the reason why there are so many of these things on the road is that there is a tax break that you are eligible for if you buy an SUV. I think we should go the other way.... how about an SUV TAX? (under the reasoning that SUV s use up so many resources and get so many benefits (like smog check exemption and the aforementioned tax break) that more efficient vehicles don't get. )
2005-08-18, 10:14 PM #63
Originally posted by JediGandalf:

Page: It's in the $2.80 range down here. It's > $3/ for the 91 octane.

I'm glad I filled up a week and a half ago when it was 10 cents cheaper.

Right now I'm glad I drive a four-banger car.
2005-08-18, 10:28 PM #64
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
Damn suburban yuppies who drive huge SUVs to work and back need to stop buying damn SUVs just to drive to work and back! Because then when they run out of gas in their 24 gallon tank after a week of driving, they go and fill up their huge tank, reducing supply, increasing demand and therefore raising the gas prices.

They need to go to the dealership, trade in their huge vehicle that is obviously compensating for something, and get a 4 cylinder that gets 25-30 miles/gallon.

The only people who should be driving SUVs are people who go out and do SPORTY things, where they need to UTILIZE their SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE. Not the afformentioned yuppie who throws his briefcase in the front seat, drives through dutch bros for his morning latte, and swing on into work.


Exactly, take that people who drive SUVs for no decent reason! <3
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-08-18, 11:32 PM #65
The reason there is a tax break for SUVs is because back in the 70s the farm lobby successfully got a tax break through Congress which gave them benefits for trucks/truck chassises for their work purposes. Might've been worth it back in the day...

Yeah... with family owned farms down to less than 5% of the farming population and all these ****tards using legalese to cram SUVs into their garages it doesnt make sense anymore. But that's America for you. You can do whatever you want!
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-08-19, 5:34 AM #66
90.2 pence / litre

Although I spotted 95p at a texaco garage the other day, think it was diesal though.
2005-08-19, 5:50 AM #67
My back itches. BUUUUUSH!

I get gas for ~$2.70 in PA, but there's the occasional place with $2.65
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2005-08-19, 11:21 PM #68
Stop whining...
About €1.27/litre... which comes to just under $5.9/gallon.

*shivs everyone whining about their prices in the throat*
If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
2005-08-20, 1:48 AM #69
Last I checked, Iceland is still doing a good job of trying to become the first nation that depends soley on hydrogen...modern solar cells are supposed to provide enough energy for electrolysis. They're trying to create hydrogen on site at the pump. Oh, and it's also insanely cheap, safe, and efficient...
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-08-20, 2:11 AM #70
Is it really as efficient as gasoline? I read somewhere that hydrogen requires five times the volume (at reasonable pressures) of gasoline to store the same amount of energy.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-08-20, 2:25 AM #71
[QUOTE=Daeron the Nerfherder]Stop whining...
About €1.27/litre...[/QUOTE]

I think I told someone it's 7 € per litre now.

Damn it.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-08-20, 10:41 AM #72
I bought it for ~$2.50 last night. I saw some place that was ~$2.35 right after that. First time I ever bought gas for over two dollars. About $25 to fill up my Saturn 2000S. I wish I still lived in Berlin where I didn't have to drive.
2005-08-20, 11:02 AM #73
Come graduation, I'm looking into getting a used hybrid. If they've invented used hybrids by then. :D :em321:
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
2005-08-20, 11:15 AM #74
I think prices are around $2.30-$2.40 here. Of course the worst thing about it is that other things are going up in price due to delivery costs.

Originally posted by Emon:
Last I checked, Iceland is still doing a good job of trying to become the first nation that depends soley on hydrogen...modern solar cells are supposed to provide enough energy for electrolysis. They're trying to create hydrogen on site at the pump. Oh, and it's also insanely cheap, safe, and efficient...

And according to a documentary that was on the history channel the exhaust of a hydrogen fueled car is just about the same as drinking water.

Originally posted by Freelancer:
Is it really as efficient as gasoline? I read somewhere that hydrogen requires five times the volume (at reasonable pressures) of gasoline to store the same amount of energy.

It may not be efficient right now but it makes sense that the deeper we look into hydrogen fueled cars the more efficient we'll be able to make them.

I imagine the biggest problem we'll have in making alternative fuel sources become the norm is oil companies not wanting it to happen because of their empire(s).
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2005-08-20, 11:24 AM #75
$2.69 here for the most part. I've seen it range from $2.54 to $2.75 depending on what part of town I'm in. And usually the $2.54 people will be out of gas. :(
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-08-20, 4:31 PM #76
Originally posted by stat:
I bought it for ~$2.50 last night. I saw some place that was ~$2.35 right after that. First time I ever bought gas for over two dollars. About $25 to fill up my Saturn 2000S. I wish I still lived in Berlin where I didn't have to drive.

Berlin is reasonably built up and easy to get around. In Williamstown, I have to drive for the most part, so that isn't an option. The price on Super Wawa's sign fluctuates hourly, so I don't know what the price is now. I bought some in Turnersville for $2.49 on Thursday. At least gas is cheaper here in New Jersey than it is in Pennsylvania.
[This message has been edited. Deal with it.]
2005-08-20, 4:45 PM #77
$2.56, just got gas last night.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2005-08-20, 4:49 PM #78
[QUOTE=Darth Evad]speculation could very easily, and i repeat very easily, lead to the thought process;
bush senior bombs iraq in 1991. oil sky rockets. bush makes tons of money because that's what he does. oil.
bush jr. takes all steps necessary to find a way to bomb iraq because it's in his best interests, his presidential legacy be damned. he is a very very and much more very rich, more rich than you and i will ever ever be because he bombed iraq.
ever see the movie the corporation? stock traders talking about how they couldn't wait until bush bombed iraq because the first time it happened they made alot of money. this time they made more.

it's very easy to come to the conclusion that bush bombed iraq for the financial gain. very easy. you don't even have to be a conspiracy theorist. it just makes sense.[/QUOTE]

Um, no. It goes up because there's less supply, not because the oil companies raise their prices to make bigger profits every time some thing happens in the middle east. Also, we hadn't been buying oil from Iraq. We had and embargo on them. Furthermore, a very viable alternative reason forhim to bomb them was Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. (sp. ?)
2005-08-20, 4:54 PM #79
Originally posted by Emon:
Last I checked, Iceland is still doing a good job of trying to become the first nation that depends soley on hydrogen...modern solar cells are supposed to provide enough energy for electrolysis. They're trying to create hydrogen on site at the pump. Oh, and it's also insanely cheap, safe, and efficient...

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.


p.s. this is a joke
2005-08-20, 4:56 PM #80
eat right, exercise, die anyway

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