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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What political group are you?
What political group are you?
2005-08-21, 10:57 AM #121
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
The poor can get rich by borrowing money and investing, and the rich get richer the same way. Many of the old-money rich families made their fortunes through business and investments. What is to stop me (or anyone else here) from doing the same thing and also becoming rich?

I consider it a disadvantage to be born into the "lucky sperm club" and have inherited wealth, b/c often people who get their wealth this way are miserable. They live like misers and are paranoid about losing everything b/c they know that they can't get it back.

Generalizations are wonderful! Go take an economics class!
2005-08-21, 11:01 AM #122
Originally posted by Warlord:
The point is, it is IMPOSSIBLE for everyone to be rich. Guess what would happen if EVERYONE made 200k+ a year? 200K would suddenly become worth what 15k is now. In a capitalist society, there will ALWAYS be poor.

I know, but Wolfy saying every rich person got lucky, or inherited their parent's luck is just asinine and stupid. I agree with you, though.

And we need to tax the rich, otherwise we can't have a running government. Everyone who says "get rid of the bloat!" needs to remember how hard it is to get a DRIVER'S LICENSE, or a BUSINESS LICENSE, or something like that. Imagine doing something like slashing a department in the government. Even more beauracracy.

And yes, Page, even in my Alabamian economics class with a diehard conservative teacher (granted...this IS a HIGH SCHOOL economics class) he agreed that you have to tax the rich more than everyone else.

BTW--Warlord, with more and more jobs being outsourced as manual labor, there's a lot of opportunity to become rich, moreso than there used to be. Granted, not everyone can become rich, but more can.
2005-08-21, 11:08 AM #123
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]
BTW--Warlord, with more and more jobs being outsourced as manual labor, there's a lot of opportunity to become rich, moreso than there used to be. Granted, not everyone can become rich, but more can.[/QUOTE]

Well, pretty much every American is "rich"- compared to starving Africans. But very few Americans are rich compared to Bill Gates or Donald Trump or even someone who makes a million a year.
2005-08-21, 11:09 AM #124
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Nah, have a burger instead.

Woah, in my drunkeness I confused you with Krok! So yeah, I hate you not Krok. sorry bout that.

*eats burger*
2005-08-21, 11:09 AM #125
Originally posted by Matterialize:
Which brings me to ask this:

People work at mints, and stuff, to print money / press coins, etc.
They couldn't be doing that year-round, because of inflation, right?
So... would they have a second job, or something?

Well, you have to replace old and used-up money too. And each penny, dime, quarter, etc. made isn't going to push the country into inflation. Even $100,000 worth of pennies isn't going to push the country into more inflation.
2005-08-21, 11:26 AM #126
Leave Wolfy alone. Read what he says before you blow a gasket on him, please.

Originally posted by Wolfy:
The rich got lucky because their parents were rich. Their parents are rich because, somewhere in the long line of their history, either someone got lucky, or someone worked their way up the corporate ladder to the top of the game. The world wasn't created with the rich and the poor. The rich got rich because they either worked to get there or circumstances gave them land and power.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-08-21, 11:27 AM #127
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Leave Wolfy alone. Read what he says before you blow a gasket on him, please.

My uncle didn't have any corporate ladder to work up either. Trust me, I read it.
2005-08-21, 11:31 AM #128
I don't believe you. Someone who believes the hard work of a family member is at stake in a conversation doesn't reply to:

Originally posted by Wolfy:
The rich got rich because they either worked to get there or circumstances gave them land and power.


[quote=Dj Yoshi]**** you.[/quote]

That's what someone who hadn't read the quote in full would do.

Why don't you just admit you ****ed up for once?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-08-21, 12:07 PM #129
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
Plus, some (but not all) of the poor just refuse to get off their lazy a**es and work for a living. I see this every day. some poor peole work hard, but a lot of them don't. Why should the rich and middle class support deadbeats?

This piece is absolutely ridiculous. How many middle and higher class people are genuinely lazy? How many people are born into good families and won't ever have to worry about a thing? A lot of them, me included. This "many poor people are just lazy and don't work hard" argument is stupid beyond belief. I don't know from what kind of background you come from, but you sound like you're the posterchild of Palm Beach's #1 Conversevative Private School or something with comments like that. I don't know what state you come from, but poor people that live below the poverty line around here get virtually no social support whatsoever, at least not from the state. And they better not be lazy either or they're not going to make a living, and almost all of them work their ***es of to stay afloat.
2005-08-21, 12:40 PM #130
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I don't believe you. Someone who believes the hard work of a family member is at stake in a conversation doesn't reply to:


That's what someone who hadn't read the quote in full would do.

Why don't you just admit you ****ed up for once?

Oh god freelancer, I'm not derailing this thread with your petty bull****. Take it elsewhere, and I suggest not to PM's, because I'm sure as hell not gonna answer.
2005-08-21, 12:59 PM #131
Wow. He admitted it. I christen this day "miracle day."
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-08-21, 1:03 PM #132
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Wow. He admitted it. I christen this day "miracle day."

I admit I'm wrong all the time in political threads. Nobody pays attention though. Read: The old-*** thread where I stated bush was satan for opening up national forests to logging. That's one example I know of. And many threads where Sine swayed me with his logic. Of course I got called a kiss-*** for saying he makes sense, but whatever.
2005-08-21, 2:15 PM #133
*hangs head*

And we were doing SO well. We'll get through a political thread w/o flames one of these days.

Now, are we going to behave or shall I start using the Banstick (tm)?
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-08-21, 4:45 PM #134
I used to consider myself very conservative, but now I find I'm leaning more towards libertarian views...
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-08-21, 7:31 PM #135
Yay for teh Banstick! :D

Anyway, I support a Obi_Kwiet monarchy. I will put a 100Mbit connection into every home. And I will buy everyone a yacht.
2005-08-21, 9:31 PM #136
Originally posted by Matterialize:
Which brings me to ask this:

People work at mints, and stuff, to print money / press coins, etc.
They couldn't be doing that year-round, because of inflation, right?
So... would they have a second job, or something?

The US is constantly taking money out of circulation. Money that is worn out or damaged is collected and destroyed. New money is printed to replace it.
Pissed Off?
2005-08-21, 10:46 PM #137
I oppose Abortion, Gun Control, Gay Marriage, and Politicians.

What does that make me?
2005-08-21, 10:56 PM #138
Them's conservative leanings.
Pissed Off?
2005-08-21, 10:58 PM #139
You know what, I changed my mind. I think the best government would be a communistic hippy establishment that encouraged the smoking of weed and the eating of cookies.

Take off your pants and start the revolution!

Democracy: rule by the stupid
2005-08-21, 10:59 PM #140
hehehehe, nice one. :p
Pissed Off?
2005-08-22, 12:43 PM #141
I <3 Massassi
2005-08-22, 12:44 PM #142
Originally posted by -Monoxide-:
I oppose Abortion, Gun Control, Gay Marriage, and Politicians.

What does that make me?

A Bushie. :p
2005-08-22, 12:47 PM #143
Im's the most logical form of government and I'm sure many here agree.
2005-08-22, 12:48 PM #144
Originally posted by -Monoxide-:
I oppose Abortion, Gun Control, Gay Marriage, and Politicians.

What does that make me?

Typical burgerboy.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-08-22, 12:50 PM #145

2005-08-22, 12:55 PM #146
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Typical burgerboy.

Which makes you BURGER FINN!
2005-08-22, 1:03 PM #147
Someone really needs to find something annoyingly stereotypical about Finland and pester FastGamerr with it everytime he pulls this 'burgerboy' stuff.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-08-22, 1:23 PM #148
Anyone who is offended by him saying that is teh dumbs. :p
2005-08-22, 1:24 PM #149
Finland is full of inbred people and bad music.

Such as the bands HIM, The 69 Eyes, and The Rasmus.
2005-08-22, 1:27 PM #150
Pale males?
2005-08-22, 1:31 PM #151
2005-08-22, 1:35 PM #152
Typographical error!
2005-08-22, 1:37 PM #153
2005-08-22, 1:38 PM #154
I cannot tell a lie.

I will axe murder you.
2005-08-22, 1:43 PM #155
I will resist with KOMPRESSOR MIGHT

2005-08-22, 1:47 PM #156
Your red x is no match for my red axe.


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