Originally posted by Martyn:
There has been plenty of scientific experiment into the nature of gravity you muppet: read a book! There is a reason that there are laws such as Keppler's Planetary motion laws and laws like F = (G*m1*m1)/r^2 and that is that they have been proven by experiment and by derivation from first principles to hold true!
As far as we can tell. Again, many of the scientfic "truths" that people have clinged to in the past have been later proven false (largely by technological advances).
Originally posted by Emon:
What you just said is that the air pressure across the surface of the object causes changes in elasticity and tension, which sends signals to your brain that the object must be "heavy"?
In short, yes...but now how you [mis]represent it. Atm. Pressure, Temperature, Density, and the Vertical Component of Magnitism causes the object to compress (at the microscopic level) from the top to the bottom. As the compression continues through to the the bottom of the object, it then begins acting apon the top of your hands. When this occurs, your hands being to stretch downward from your wrist, your wrist then from your elbow, and your elbow then to your shoulder. This occurs over a period t. As the tension (that we just demonstrated) increases (due to the constant effects on the object), and your molecules begin to stretch futher and futher from each other, you nervous system send a signal to your brain letting you know that this is occuring (in the form of pulses). Our brain, being fully aware of what we are doing (or attempting to do), translates these pulsed signals as "strain."
Originally posted by Emon:
What the **** are you talking about? The reason things feel heavy is because of the strain on your muscles. How do you muscles get strained? When a FORCE acts on them. The reason something seems lighter to a stronger fellow is because his muscles are larger and more dense and more capable of counteracting the FORCE against them. What's the force in this situation? F = mg! Which is nothing but F = ma! The force the object is creating on you (or the palm of your hands, let's say you're carrying a box) is equal to the mass times the acceleration, which is 9.81 m/s^2 in this situation. F = MA. F EQUALS M GOD DAMN A. NOTHING ELSE. F NEVER EQUALS MV. NEVER. EVER. EVER. EVER. The force your muscles creates is equal to that Force. Why? BECAUSE THE BOX ISN'T FALLING WHEN YOU'RE HOLDING IT.
Notice your own logical fallacy?
'Why is the force your muscle creates equal to the force of the box? Because the box isn't falling when you're holding it.'
There is no explination in there that suggests WHY the so called "forces" are equal. Only that 'they have to be because the box isn't falling.'
Save for Magnetic "forces" (which are a property of magnetism, and not really a Newtonian "Force"), show me what a force looks like. Describe it for me. Just a "Force" by itself, not as a function.
Show me Time. What is it made of? What is it's composition? If it can be manipulated as Relativity suggest, it must be composed of something, else how could it be effected? On the same point, what is the Magical Connectio between Time and Light? Light must be a lot more powerful then we though if, when bent or otherwise distorted, it effects time...or better still, "space-time."
How about mass (not as a function of an object)? It's composition?
Length (and no, demonstrating that something has length is not the same thing)?
How about Potential and Kinetic Energy? Compisition? Chemical makeup?
These (among others) are concepts. They are great for the Mathematical aspect of science, but does little to help people understand what truly, physically, causes things to happen the way they do.
Give me any example from any areaof physics and I can logically explain it without the either the use of them (Force,energy, and others) or bending them (as concepts: time, mass, and length).
"The solution is simple."