Thank you for your purchase of Dark Forces CD Software at Amazon.com. Our automated tracking system at Sail On Software has noted the arrival of your software to you.
Should you have problems or questions about the software received to you please email us at sailonsoftware2000@yahoo.com so as we can lend you our support.
If you are satisfied with your purchase we would appreciate your leaving us a 5 out of 5 positive rating at Amazon. In return we will email you a customer appreciation code. This code will instantly save your 10% off not just your next order but every order you place with Sail On Software at Amazon.com. It's our way of saying thank you for your valued business.
The day you enter the 5 out of 5 rating we will email you the customer appreciation program details. It’s our way of not just telling you how much we appreciate your support but proving it each and every day. There are no "catches" to the customer appreciation program, you will receive a promotion code in email from us that you can use at Amazon.com for any orders placed with us (Sail On Software)
To enter the rating at Amazon simply follow the link below and it will bring you right to it:
Click Here To Leave A Rating
Feel free to email us at any time if you have questions or are seeking a software title for your personal computer. We have thousands of titles in stock and will happily take any item not listed presently on our account at Amazon and list it for you at the site then email you so as you can procure it. If we do not have the title in stock we do have access to in excess of 22,000 software titles so we still may be able to obtain it.
If you wish to bookmark our store pages listed at Amazon simply follow the link below and create a bookmark in your web browser software. We add new titles to Amazon on a fairly regular basis.
Click Here To Go To Our Amazon Storefront
We look forward to servicing your software needs and are very grateful of the present purchase you consummated with us.
Enjoy the software!
Sail On Software
Thank you for your purchase of Dark Forces CD Software at Amazon.com. Our automated tracking system at Sail On Software has noted the arrival of your software to you.
Should you have problems or questions about the software received to you please email us at sailonsoftware2000@yahoo.com so as we can lend you our support.
If you are satisfied with your purchase we would appreciate your leaving us a 5 out of 5 positive rating at Amazon. In return we will email you a customer appreciation code. This code will instantly save your 10% off not just your next order but every order you place with Sail On Software at Amazon.com. It's our way of saying thank you for your valued business.
The day you enter the 5 out of 5 rating we will email you the customer appreciation program details. It’s our way of not just telling you how much we appreciate your support but proving it each and every day. There are no "catches" to the customer appreciation program, you will receive a promotion code in email from us that you can use at Amazon.com for any orders placed with us (Sail On Software)
To enter the rating at Amazon simply follow the link below and it will bring you right to it:
Click Here To Leave A Rating
Feel free to email us at any time if you have questions or are seeking a software title for your personal computer. We have thousands of titles in stock and will happily take any item not listed presently on our account at Amazon and list it for you at the site then email you so as you can procure it. If we do not have the title in stock we do have access to in excess of 22,000 software titles so we still may be able to obtain it.
If you wish to bookmark our store pages listed at Amazon simply follow the link below and create a bookmark in your web browser software. We add new titles to Amazon on a fairly regular basis.
Click Here To Go To Our Amazon Storefront
We look forward to servicing your software needs and are very grateful of the present purchase you consummated with us.
Enjoy the software!
Sail On Software
Right here, I rate them a 3.
Dear Sir,
Pertinent to your rating left on our account. All
customers get a email from us when their order is
processed and an email when the item is received to
them. If a rating is not left the are then sent a
final email encouraging them to do so.
You state this is dishonest when in fact the idea
was brought to us from other vendors. We asked Amazon
about it and they stated it is perfectly ok to do.
You state its dishonest, please explain why so we
can display that to Amazon.
Should explanation not be forthcoming I guess we
will need to leave a reciprocal rating and request
Amazon act accordingly since your rating is not along
Amazon ratings guidelines.
The customer appreciation code mechinism has been
well accepted by customers. It is our opinion that you
simply put the rating in place with malicious intent.
Should you not remove it we will request Amazon review
it for removal and review any other ratings left to
other sellers to see if they wish to restrict access.
Our business is not engaging in a dishonest policy.
We are in fact not only an end user fulfillment
company but a contractor to the US State Dept. and the
US Postal Service.
Again, please let us know why you think this
inappropriate and dishonest. We will forward it
directly into our Amazon representitive for review.
Susan Sails
Sail On Software
Pertinent to your rating left on our account. All
customers get a email from us when their order is
processed and an email when the item is received to
them. If a rating is not left the are then sent a
final email encouraging them to do so.
You state this is dishonest when in fact the idea
was brought to us from other vendors. We asked Amazon
about it and they stated it is perfectly ok to do.
You state its dishonest, please explain why so we
can display that to Amazon.
Should explanation not be forthcoming I guess we
will need to leave a reciprocal rating and request
Amazon act accordingly since your rating is not along
Amazon ratings guidelines.
The customer appreciation code mechinism has been
well accepted by customers. It is our opinion that you
simply put the rating in place with malicious intent.
Should you not remove it we will request Amazon review
it for removal and review any other ratings left to
other sellers to see if they wish to restrict access.
Our business is not engaging in a dishonest policy.
We are in fact not only an end user fulfillment
company but a contractor to the US State Dept. and the
US Postal Service.
Again, please let us know why you think this
inappropriate and dishonest. We will forward it
directly into our Amazon representitive for review.
Susan Sails
Sail On Software
Wether or not others have done so, or Amazon has said it is acceptable, is
irrelevant. I find it personally offensive to be asked to give anything
other than my honest opinion of your service. Firstly, the product was late.
Secondly, you asked me to compromise my honesty. You have received the
rating you deserve.
"when in fact the idea was brought to us from other vendors." You cannot
justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior.
"It is our opinion that you simply put the rating in place with malicious
intent." Your opinion is wrong.
Furthermore, you may get better responses if you wrote a bit more
irrelevant. I find it personally offensive to be asked to give anything
other than my honest opinion of your service. Firstly, the product was late.
Secondly, you asked me to compromise my honesty. You have received the
rating you deserve.
"when in fact the idea was brought to us from other vendors." You cannot
justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior.
"It is our opinion that you simply put the rating in place with malicious
intent." Your opinion is wrong.
Furthermore, you may get better responses if you wrote a bit more
Dear Sir,
The product was ordered on 7/9 a saturday, shipped
7/11 monday per Amazon rules for vendors. It shipped
via US Postal Service and received to you two days
My brother in law works for the US Postal service
locally and he noted that apparently you are under
their employ.
Our business is a contractor to the USPS via orders
from the US State Dept. As such we have direct contact
within the Postmaster Generals offices. I am sure they
will find your comments interesting.
We asked Amazon about the rating via seller support
and displayed to them as well shipping and delivery
time. They stated that we can appeal the rating to
Amazon and also considered it unusual in nature. That
in fact the ability for vendors to give customers a
customer appreciation code is a feature in place to
encourage sales, customer retention and interaction.
You stated we are attempting to buy ratings which is
not the case. You stated it is dishonest which is not
the case. Further in this email you have displayed
that delivery time was not acceptable when in fact it
was extremely fast.
Again, we are not looking for problems and request
you remove the rating. To do so simply goto your
account, find this order and within resides a link to
remove the rating.
But if we must go through Amazon to resolve the
matter we will. We will file the complaint with Postal
Service management so as they can find out why you
deem to attack their services which clearly delivered
timely and await their response.
As to our professional conduct, we did not determine
to leave a libelous statement in public forum. Amazon
support agreed, your saying we buy ratings and it is
dishonest. That is libelous and not what Amazons
rating system is intended to be used for. We did not
state that shipping was slow, you have, clearly not
Finally as to dialog your email. You state you have
been asked to compromise your honesty yet your first
sentance is a blatent lie about delivery time.
Again, we respectfully request you remove the
Here is the Postal Service record:
Receipt Number: 0180 5213 9077 9983 7812
Electronic Shipping Info Received July 11, 2005
Delivered, August 13, 2005, 12:57 pm, STAFFORD, VA
The product was ordered on 7/9 a saturday, shipped
7/11 monday per Amazon rules for vendors. It shipped
via US Postal Service and received to you two days
My brother in law works for the US Postal service
locally and he noted that apparently you are under
their employ.
Our business is a contractor to the USPS via orders
from the US State Dept. As such we have direct contact
within the Postmaster Generals offices. I am sure they
will find your comments interesting.
We asked Amazon about the rating via seller support
and displayed to them as well shipping and delivery
time. They stated that we can appeal the rating to
Amazon and also considered it unusual in nature. That
in fact the ability for vendors to give customers a
customer appreciation code is a feature in place to
encourage sales, customer retention and interaction.
You stated we are attempting to buy ratings which is
not the case. You stated it is dishonest which is not
the case. Further in this email you have displayed
that delivery time was not acceptable when in fact it
was extremely fast.
Again, we are not looking for problems and request
you remove the rating. To do so simply goto your
account, find this order and within resides a link to
remove the rating.
But if we must go through Amazon to resolve the
matter we will. We will file the complaint with Postal
Service management so as they can find out why you
deem to attack their services which clearly delivered
timely and await their response.
As to our professional conduct, we did not determine
to leave a libelous statement in public forum. Amazon
support agreed, your saying we buy ratings and it is
dishonest. That is libelous and not what Amazons
rating system is intended to be used for. We did not
state that shipping was slow, you have, clearly not
Finally as to dialog your email. You state you have
been asked to compromise your honesty yet your first
sentance is a blatent lie about delivery time.
Again, we respectfully request you remove the
Here is the Postal Service record:
Receipt Number: 0180 5213 9077 9983 7812
Electronic Shipping Info Received July 11, 2005
Delivered, August 13, 2005, 12:57 pm, STAFFORD, VA
I feel so ashamed. Clearly, August 13th is only two days after July 11th.
Some information about the 'company'; they do not have a website, they are using yahoo e-mail, and their 'customer relations' person couldn't write a grammatically correct sentence with an English professor looking over her shoulder.