Let's compare this to a person's conscience. Everyone has one. It influences our decisions, but not everyone follows it frequently, and nobody follows it all the time. If I had to analogize my beliefs in praying for someone to make right decisions, it would be essentially the "programming" of someone's conscience. It is not praying for
my concept of what is right, but asking God to use
his concept of it to guide said person. Given the nature of this prayer, it still leaves the person in control of whether they choose to follow their conscience.
This is a somewhat weak description/analogy of what I would like to have said about this, but hopefully I helped clarify what I
meant by "influence." I couldn't really find another way to describe it without getting really redundant.
If you were to write a letter to the president, that too would be merely influencing, except on a more conscious level.
Note the results on that site are specifically noted to not favor the "hoped for" outcome. When something could be a placebo, it is stated as such. Also note that some of the major fundamental of prayer outlined in the Bible were left unstudied, such as a person's level of faith in prayer. It is vaguely preachy in a couple of places, like "prayer is free" types of things, but that's expected.
Maybe you didn't catch on, but it's a
prayer site. (It says that right in the title.) As a result, the bulk of it is going to be about prayer.
You say you have no problem with religion, yet when you see it being practiced honestly... well, we get threads like this, apparently, bashing people for practicing what they preach.
We can't win no matter what we do.
I think he told us to pray. :p
This is a kids site. Kids don't generally
know what types of things to pray about, particularly because they don't know what's going on in the world. Hence, the site.
On the contrary, it further edifies the things we believe in. It is the understanding of how prayers "work" (for lack of a better term) that is often misunderstood.
Bring it on. Unless he's going to tell me what to pray for.
What's interesting is that the things I've prayed for
other people
without them knowing it have come to pass more than that which I pray for myself. So much for placebo.
And I imagine that saying he is incapable of such is the ultimate insult to Him.
It's true, but I
was counting the 90% guess as yeses, although I should have clarified that these are all recent, perhaps because my faith has grown (although I'm not sure that it has or not). One of the biggest things I was praying for did not come to pass. I don't know if it was a "no" or a "wait," but in either case, now that I am not blinded by raw emotion in desiring what I was praying for, I can see that I was in no way ready to accept the responsibility of what I was asking. And I'm still not. But I do no longer concern myself with it for this reason. I did what I could, the rest is not my decision.
But here's a little in-advance prayer "statement," and it will sound utterly foolish to you at this time, but nonetheless:
My family is currently looking into buying a home (which I posted a thread on a while back), and alone, there is absolutely no way we're going to get it. However, I strongly believe it is a place God has set aside for us, and intends for us to use as a home for fellowship. We are going to attempt to acquire the house for less than half of it's list price, because it's all we can afford. We do not yet know if we will be able to get the loan, especially since my stepdad filed bankruptcy last year, just before dating and marrying my mom. Typically, the wait on getting a loan after bankruptcy around here is 4 years. Furthermore, being able to afford loan payments depends on us first selling the house we're living in, since we are still making payments on that, and wouldn't be able to afford payments on both. Not to mention other people are interested in the house besides just us.
Now, you don't often hear me speak in great faith. I'd even venture as far as to say never before. We have many people praying for us in this matter, ourselves included. And despite great odds against us, I am very certain God is somehow going to make it possible. And it would follow Biblical trend, too (hardship -> prosperity). I recently learned that not too long ago, we were not even
making enough money to pay our bills. Since that time, our household income has trippled. And that's
without me having a job.
I am documenting it here for a reason, before it happens. I don't proclaim myself a prophet by any means whatsoever, but I stand firm in what I genuinely believe God is promising us.
And when it comes to pass, will it serve of any proof to any of you, despite the odds against it? More likely, it will be circumvented.