[QUOTE=Raoul Duke]That's not what he's saying at all. He's saying that, due to lack of an organized religion with a guide to moral beliefs, atheists are free to make their own decisions on what they constitute right and wrong. They are not bound to abide by the ten commandants or what have you, even though those are pretty solid moral believes. Sure, a theist can not abide by a moral code but they are supposed to. That's the whole point.[/quote]
Yes, we are free to make up our own minds. but that doesn't mean our judgements are baseless! i think grounding decisions on firm logic, reason, and reality is a hell of a lot better then becuase "The man upstairs said so". i will admit that the ten commandments are a good moral standing, at least the second half, but that's because they are equaly valid from a reasoning point of view.
msot atheists i know base ethics in reason. in reality. that is the basis of Objectivism, though you probably don't care. And why not make our own philosophy? well, i suppose you could indeed say we each make up out own, in that we use our own judgement on things. but it is based on logic and reason from the msot part, and coming from the same point end tends to end up with similar answers using that.
i think may people confirm to a cental philosophy because all of those i know do. i could be wrong, i don't know everyone, but can you really say you know many atheists without some form of code of ethics? Any many people subscribe to cental philisophies for a simple reason- they make sence. that's why i am an objectivist, because all the arguments for it make sence to me. Ok, i'll agree that in being an atheist, you do not have the possibility of divine retribution at every turn. but that does not mean we have reason to be immoral.
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