Yes, Geometry was wonderfully easy for me. I finished the year with a 99 average. Got to Algebra II, and barely scraped a 90 after much pain and suffering....
Pre-cal is going awfully for me so far this year though. I'm really not very good at math. I kinda have a learning disability of sorts with it, but it's far too complicated to go into right here. English on the other hand is my forte. I love English, Literature, Poetry, Writing, History, Drama, all of those fine arts and language related subjects. I finished 9th grade English with a 100 average on every quarter!
I got to 10th grade and it went down to the low 90's though.
Either way, take these guys advice. Make sure you communicate with your teacher about your needs and questions. Arrange tutoring sessions, or ask for a moment after class maybe, or even plan to devote a certain amount of time each day to soley English related stuff. Don't cram, but study and learn over a period of time. Reading is helpful, but I think some peopel make out that if you read a lot you'll be fine. Not true. I really don't read much anymore, and I do really well.
Don't get me wrong, reading has definate advantages. But don't assume that it is your ticket to an "A". Really, a discerning mind, good vocabulary, and knack for memorization and critical thinking will help. Reading definately helps, but this isn't limited to classics. Even reading debates on Massassi or news articles on-line will help give you a foothold on analytical thinking.