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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Can studying martial arts help against a firearm attack?
Can studying martial arts help against a firearm attack?
2005-10-03, 2:29 PM #41
Getting shot sucks.
2005-10-03, 2:36 PM #42
Actually, my kung fu teacher, has taught us how to disarm some one with a gun, and getting them into position where they think they have control, such as the gun is at your back and they are like 1 foot away, with a quick twirl and elbow hit you move your self out of the line of fire and the gun line of fire gets out of your way, and then there was a series of moves to disarm them, but thats basicly the first steps. I'm not sure if thats the right way to describe the action, but it would be a way on a pure text forum, and since I have no pictures at the moment, I can't really show you how to do it.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-10-03, 2:44 PM #43
Well, it's pretty easy to get someone to drop a just grab it under the barrel and twist it backward towards them and they'll break their trigger finger or let go. Trick is to not get shot while doing that. ;) Me and friends have spent many painful days screwing around like that with airsoft pistols. Basically, if they've got a gun, I'd do whatever they said.
2005-10-03, 3:07 PM #44
Yeah but the thing is, it's not a matter of before... it's do martial arts help during? Because anybody can disarm a gunman... well at least I could... :p
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2005-10-03, 4:12 PM #45
Sure it'll help, but the odds are still stacked against the person without the gun. Theres just too many variables to consider. Sure, your martial arts teacher may have taught you how to disarm someone with a gun, but if my martial arts training has taught me something, its that your opponent doesn't always do what you want them too. If they've got a gun, better idea to just listen to what they say and do what they want. Now if they're unarmed or have a kinfe, thats a different story.
Life is beautiful.
2005-10-03, 4:32 PM #46
I speak from experience: Don't mess with the guy with the gun, no matter how badass you think you are. Unless you've got a gun yourself, don't try it.
2005-10-03, 5:54 PM #47
Martial arts hardly protects you from anything unless you have the balls to use it. Most people will just freeze up and let themselves get attacked, or if anything just use regular fighting since your instincts tend to kick in and you forget all the ridiculously complicated manuevers your supposed to do. Martial arts sucks unless you really have experience in situations like that (ie: not a whimpering nerd who took up martial arts to protect himself from bullies)
2005-10-03, 6:06 PM #48
Well, that is true, Raoul, but that's true for anything. msot things are useles unless you chose to use them. I'm only a taekwondo white belt and i already can produce more power then before, simply because it trains you to use your entire body instead of jsut the arms. Granted, one does need training so they don't go brawler-style, but if you ahve that training, it can help.

Now, as far as the gun bit, i basically can only repeat what's said before: Point blank at the face a martial artisit probably has a decent chance of disarming. any otehr position adn its best to listen to the guy with the gun
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2005-10-03, 6:50 PM #49
Close range (1-5 feet) Joint lock techniques, and general MOVE GUN, MOVE SELF, MOVE ATTACKER techniques.

Medium Range (5-20 feet) Pray that they are shooting an automatic frame and that the primer is faulty. You MIGHT have time to reach them before they can chamber a new round.

Long Range (20-50 feet) If you have a chance to get behind cover, you may be able to (and this is a big MAYBE, like, conditions must be right) towards them and employ techniques with a lot of trickyness. The best plan is to run AWAY though.

As an alternate route, watch the Matrix three times. You will then have mad skills.
2005-10-03, 6:53 PM #50
Not if its against Indiana Jones!
2005-10-03, 7:24 PM #51
Again: Getting shot sucks. Don't try anything.
2005-10-03, 7:55 PM #52
I'm sorry, but no matter how fast you think you are, even if your up close, the guy has a lot less movement to do since all he has to do is pull the trigger where as you have to actually bring your arm(s) up to deflect the gun away from you. Sure, its possible, but its a heck of a lot more likely that the guy will pull the trigger when he sees you start moving. Like ]-[ellequin said: Getting shot sucks. Don't try anything.
Life is beautiful.
2005-10-04, 9:11 AM #53
What do we do when he's got a banana?
Sorry for the lousy German
2005-10-04, 9:32 AM #54
[QUOTE=Raoul Duke]Martial arts hardly protects you from anything unless you have the balls to use it. Most people will just freeze up and let themselves get attacked, or if anything just use regular fighting since your instincts tend to kick in and you forget all the ridiculously complicated manuevers your supposed to do. Martial arts sucks unless you really have experience in situations like that (ie: not a whimpering nerd who took up martial arts to protect himself from bullies)[/QUOTE]

That's why you have to train realistically. Most sportive "martial arts" are not for fighting, they'r for... Well... SPORTS. And, by the way, it seems like everyone and their dog's a martial artist here.

Originally posted by Impi:
What do we do when he's got a banana?

Stop, drop, and roll?
2005-10-04, 2:04 PM #55
I'd rather train marital arts.

And Koobie, you'd never stand a chance against a banana.
Sorry for the lousy German
2005-10-04, 2:10 PM #56
I'd rather shoot people that try to come onto my property, and be done with it.
2005-10-04, 2:12 PM #57
There is no way you can dodge a bullet. NO matter how much martial arts training you have. If you think you can, you're an idiot.
2005-10-04, 2:16 PM #58
Well, msot of the actual martial artists on here (and actually pretty much anyone who's said anything in this thread) isn;t saying one could. We're jsut explianing ways that one could disarm an attacker before they got the shots off, or kock the gun away so the shot is no where near them when they fire, hense why it would mostly only work at point-blank
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2005-10-04, 2:20 PM #59
Then yes, I agree. If the shooter is within reasonable distance and you've trained hard enough then you could possibly disarm him.

However, when I say train hard enough, i mean HARD. You can't just say "I'm a black belt, I have super uber speed and can disarm people with guns!!". Anyone who's taken martial arts should know this. Unless you've dedicated yourself throughout all your training to speed and accuracy, you won't be able to do it. Even at black belt level (if you havent trained enough that is)
2005-10-04, 5:20 PM #60
]-[elle, did I miss the story where you got shot or something? What happened?
2005-10-04, 5:27 PM #61
Yeah, I was shot with a .38 revolver in my left shoulder just below my clavicle in April. I wish I had a scanner or digital camera to show you the scar. It's pretty gnarly. I seem to recall telling one of you Massassians about it a few weeks ago...

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