I have lived in Utah all my life. I go to college not 20 minutes from where I live. For all the good things about this state and the influences the Mormon church has, there is one really bad thing: marriages. Now, I have nothing against marriage. However, here in Utah, people seem to pride themselves on getting married young and spitting out the kids(having 6 kids in a family is not unusual). Now, in high school this is of course not a problem. Every once in a while you'd hear that a couple got engaged(most of the time seniors) but that didn't affect you much. But in college it all changes. I've seen rings on the middle finger of probably a little more than half the people in my classes this semester, both marriage rings and those damn promise rings* and that doesn't even count those just in a relationship. The most notable is in my meterology class where the married couple in there are barely older than me, if at all. Because of all this, potential relationships from people on campus let alone anywhere are few and far between and it already feels like I'm 30 and missed out on "first round draft picks". I feel like I need to get married just to fit in. >.<
Anyway, just needed to get that off my chest. Maybe I'll go to another state for college next year.
* Here in Utah it is very common for Mormon men(and sometimes women) to go on missions to other countries for 2 years. Well, before this they may have a girlfriend and they give them a promise ring, saying they'll marry them when they get back in 2 years. A lot of the men take their mission after high school or between their sophmore and junior year of college.
Anyway, just needed to get that off my chest. Maybe I'll go to another state for college next year.
* Here in Utah it is very common for Mormon men(and sometimes women) to go on missions to other countries for 2 years. Well, before this they may have a girlfriend and they give them a promise ring, saying they'll marry them when they get back in 2 years. A lot of the men take their mission after high school or between their sophmore and junior year of college.
Democracy: rule by the stupid