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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I hate college
I hate college
2005-10-06, 4:50 PM #41
"College will be the best years of your life." Whoever said that could not be more wrong. College is still school, School = homework and studying, which means less free time. For some, it can mean living on school.
My first week at Penn State Berks was a hell hole. I had a hard time sleeping due to the damn drunks and partiers. One night, some girl (very likely drunk) even walked into my room (drunken idiot roommate left his keys laying around), sat on my bed while I was trying to sleep at 1:00 AM, and offered me sex. I guess you guys won't believe me when I told you that I reject her offer, but hey I had class the next day and she was most likely drunk.
Thank things have gotten better since I moved out of that hell hole...
2005-10-06, 5:35 PM #42
No, we believe you.
2005-10-06, 5:44 PM #43
Originally posted by kyle90:
I infiltrated a church once. See, I'm protestant, and so I infiltrated a Catholic church. I blended in okay until they did that "crossing themselves" thing and I didn't know how to do it, and I was like "OH CRAP, MY COVER'S BLOWN".

Yeah, fun times.

You theisvestite.
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2005-10-06, 6:26 PM #44
Originally posted by kyle90:
I infiltrated a church once. See, I'm protestant, and so I infiltrated a Catholic church. I blended in okay until they did that "crossing themselves" thing and I didn't know how to do it, and I was like "OH CRAP, MY COVER'S BLOWN".

Yeah, fun times.

That's the greatest religion-related quote ever. Sigged.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-10-06, 6:57 PM #45
Score! I've been sigged! That hasn't happened since my "I was about to start writing stuff down, when a guy dressed as a subway sandwich runs in..." quote.
2005-10-06, 9:19 PM #46
Originally posted by Charlie:
Nope, I got ya beat :D.

School: Neumont University
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Guy/Girl Ratio: 30 to 1

Believe me it can get worse. Not to mention the amount of guys married vs the guys who have no relationship at all almost even out. Its almost as if those with just a girlfriend are a minority.


From the bottem of my soul, you have my pitty...
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton

“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”
2005-10-06, 9:54 PM #47
Originally posted by Cloud:
College is still school, School = homework and studying, which means less free time.

Once you get through your first year and start taking courses for your major, it gets a lot more interesting. And as far as drunk partiers go, well, that's why I don't go to some big state party school. :p
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.

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