yeah this is what happened with the getting robbed thing, me, my girl friend and her friend were walking around in a rather ritzy part of town late at night, we are walking past a park and there's lots of bushes along the road (i know kind of difficult to visualise) but, two guys appear right up ahead of us, then another one behind us, then two more cross over from the other side of the road, the guy who seemed to be there "leader" was like "you f*****s picked the wrong night, this is a robbery" they make me give them my wallet, (which for some reason i had just emptied of everything save my drivers liscense before we went walking) and they took our friends cell phone. (which actually didnt work anymore) so they take off and later on our walk back we find my wallet and the cell phone in the street, then we head to the police station and so on... if it had just been me, i could probably have bolted and gotten away easily (i run track and cross country) but i didnt want to bail on my girl friend and her friend... that just would not have been very nice of me.

but yeah...
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob