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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Jack Thompson's games
Jack Thompson's games
2005-10-14, 1:14 PM #41
Originally posted by Is_907:
Luke 6:31
it's there.

Confucius was around LONG before the bible.
2005-10-14, 1:17 PM #42
No, Luke was before him.
At least it says so at the beginning of every Star Wars movie...

Sorry for the lousy German
2005-10-14, 2:16 PM #43
I love you...
2005-10-15, 7:52 AM #44
rofl... are you saying that Jesus wasn't original but stole that saying from Confucious? wow, i didn't know Jesus went to China =P
"*quickly adds in disclaimer that Is may still yet end up being slapped with a white glove, as all women are crazy and there are no rules*" --mavispoo
2005-10-15, 8:23 AM #45
Well, not much is known about the time between his birth and when he made his first appearance with John the Baptist (is that right? or at least translated correctly?). Some people suspect that he studied some Buddhism because the messages are similar. Perhaps he added a little bit of Confucious' teachings.
Sorry for the lousy German
2005-10-15, 9:37 AM #46
I read a book, I can't remember when or what it was called, where they talked about Jesus learning from druids and buddhists and stuff... some Monk got mad because a woman was chanting some Druid thing while setting a broken arm or something...

-I know it was a fantasy book... I think it was about... Merlin?
2005-10-15, 3:37 PM #47
wow... and all this time i thought he got his teachings from being the Son of God... i never knew it was from buddha. thanks for enlightening me </sarcasm>

this has nothing to do with jack thompson, by the way... heh ;)
"*quickly adds in disclaimer that Is may still yet end up being slapped with a white glove, as all women are crazy and there are no rules*" --mavispoo
2005-10-15, 4:13 PM #48
No. But this does:

2005-10-17, 4:09 PM #49
This just in: Aparently Jack thompson rescinded his offer. It seems that the stupid son of a b**** just meant it as a satire, and he was kidding about the charity donation too. :rolleyes:

What a douche.

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