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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Will you be purchasing the Xbox 360 on launch day (or at all)?
Will you be purchasing the Xbox 360 on launch day (or at all)?
2005-10-20, 1:16 PM #41
Originally posted by Grant:
thats only at the start, the 360 does software emulation and as such, they only want to get the top games out, the best sellers and the platinum hits will be first to be emulated and download their profile to the HDD.

once the system has been out for a while more profiles for more games will be avalable from Xbox live and possible Xbox mag demo disc', so eventually you will be able to play all your games on the 360, it'll just take a year or two for the developers to create and distribute the profiles for them.

Grant, there's no way in hell you can argue with Mentis' logic. So don't try :p

I'm sure you won't be able to play all your games, just the most popular ones, and probably not with all features supported. I can't see microsoft giving backwards compatibility too much of their time.
2005-10-20, 2:14 PM #42
PS3 > All Consoles :)
2005-10-20, 2:23 PM #43
Originally posted by Temperamental:
PS3 > All Consoles :)

Yay for uninformed, purely bs, and wholly ignorant statements! :)
2005-10-20, 2:27 PM #44
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Yay for uninformed, purely bs, and wholly ignorant statements! :)[/QUOTE]

*get's the hose*
2005-10-20, 2:32 PM #45
Yay for uninformed, purely bs, and wholly ignorant statements!


I believe the PS3 will be greater than the Xbox 360. I want both, beacuse both are going to be awesome. The only reason I like PS3 better is because I'm a fan of most of the games out for PS, like Final Fantasy for instance.
2005-10-20, 3:00 PM #46
Originally posted by Temperamental:

I believe the PS3 will be greater than the Xbox 360. I want both, beacuse both are going to be awesome. The only reason I like PS3 better is because I'm a fan of most of the games out for PS, like Final Fantasy for instance.

And what happens if the PS3 blows major ***, and/or never gets published because of some unforeseen inherent flaw in the Cell architecture, or they can't meet demand, or all the developers abandon Sony, or Sony makes its playstation quarter go bankrupt as it's losing them money, or...well you get the idea.
2005-10-20, 3:25 PM #47
And what happens if the PS3 blows major ***, and/or never gets published because of some unforeseen inherent flaw in the Cell architecture, or they can't meet demand, or all the developers abandon Sony, or Sony makes its playstation quarter go bankrupt as it's losing them money, or...well you get the idea.

That's pretty much the same as asking "What if you woke up tomorrow and for no apparent reason were king of the world and stinking rich, had 10000 beautiful women at your side willing to do what you wished at any time, were the most popular guy in theworld and well liked, never had a bad day, never had a bad mood, and was 1000% perfecT"

Not gonna happen :)
2005-10-20, 3:38 PM #48
He's right. Even though I'm waiting for all three to come out to make a choice, I honestly believe that PS3 will do quite a bit better than Xbox.

Now, I'm not saying that the Xbox sucks. I have great respect for them for going first with their new system, but PS3 strategy of waiting (probably so that they can do things better than Microsoft on THEIR launch date) is good.

I love Xbox, it's really fun, but Playstations game series and genres just appeal to me more than Xbox. Xbox is a lot of violence and hardcore shooters. I like shooters, it's just that I don't buy a lot of them (my parents also don't really like M rated games).

There's my two cents.
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2005-10-20, 3:39 PM #49
That's also why I'm waiting, too. To see if the genres and games are different on the Xbox this time.
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2005-10-20, 4:06 PM #50
Originally posted by Temperamental:
That's pretty much the same as asking "What if you woke up tomorrow and for no apparent reason were king of the world and stinking rich, had 10000 beautiful women at your side willing to do what you wished at any time, were the most popular guy in theworld and well liked, never had a bad day, never had a bad mood, and was 1000% perfecT"

Not gonna happen :)

Except every scenario I outlined has a very likely probability of happening.
2005-10-20, 4:57 PM #51
I strongly doubt it.
2005-10-20, 5:04 PM #52
I'm going to wait and see...
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-10-20, 5:05 PM #53
Why? The Cell is already having humongous problems in manufacturing, thus not meeting demand, devs are moving from Sony to Nintendo or are moving cross platform, and nobody knows what problems the new architecture of the Cell may bring. Sony's also losing money on the playstation 3 franchise, in a cost/production analysis, and I think I remember hearing that they'd already lost money on the Playstation 2 (though I doubt that even as I say it). It's not that far-fetched.
2005-10-20, 5:07 PM #54
They'll pull it off. They always do. And it's going to be good.
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2005-10-20, 7:12 PM #55
No, you're quite right Yoshi. It's not far fetched at all.

My whole point of reason that the PS3 will be better and all the bugs will be (hopefully) worked out by then is that it's release date is well after the Xbox360. They'll see what the XBox does and improve on it, if they're smart.

They've got a whole bunch of time to make tweaks. If they play their cards right, they'll end up with the upper hand.
2005-10-20, 7:14 PM #56
Originally posted by Temperamental:
No, you're quite right Yoshi. It's not far fetched at all.

My whole point of reason that the PS3 will be better and all the bugs will be (hopefully) worked out by then is that it's release date is well after the Xbox360. They'll see what the XBox does and improve on it, if they're smart.

They've got a whole bunch of time to make tweaks. If they play their cards right, they'll end up with the upper hand.

First they have to get some working systems together, which they've failed to do thus far really...
2005-10-20, 7:40 PM #57
Agreed - I'm surprised at the amount of doubt people are casting on PS3. Lots of stories on development costs are outrageous, developing for the Cell is a pain in the ***, etc.

Really, I don't know who's going to get first, and who'll get last. Sony has spent tons of $$$$$$$ on R&D for their monster of a machine, but there's a lot riding on it. Blu-Ray, the price (which rumors say might not be as high as speculated), and their online component for PS2 really just fell short compared to X-box. With X-box 2's sole competitive advantage being it's online community and push, Sony really needs to prove they can do it.

Sony's isn't in the best of times either financially as they have been, so this isn't just a "Their #1 this generation". There's more behind consoles than sales, just as there's more to new consoles than graphics.

I'm excited, cause I that the state of gaming has never been in this state of a flux before. Nintendo - potential hit or miss with a miss pretty much ruining any chance of a comeback. X-box 2 - if it fails to PS3, the HD issue, etc, Microsoft could lose alot of market share. PS3 - might lose its #1 spot if only blockbuster games come out every couple of months because development costs for their games are so high.

Who knows. I'm most eager for Revolution though

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