Totally agree. Let me beeyatch on about human nature though... I think it's at least partially inherent of humans (although these ****ers have no excuse)
White infants look longer at white people's faces than black people's faces... I'm sure it's vice versa as well. At the OJ trial more whites called for criminal sentence than black people, even when they're confronted with the same evidence - so I think IMHO that the preference for one above the other is subconscious and triggered through human nature (imprinted). I'm thinking mere exposure effect. Another reason to put question marks next to this human 'rationality'.
Yes, the holocaust happened. No, racism is not cool.
I guess these people had the bad luck, among other things, of being born in an environment that breeds this stuff. (now there's a concept applicable to other areas as well
Still, I think these racists are absolutely demented morons.
Out of curiosity, and because of my affinity for pain, what sort of arguments do these people have for their beliefs? Burden of proof on them right? Arguments or silence I say...