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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Words cannot describe...
Words cannot describe...
2005-10-21, 2:33 PM #41
Originally posted by Temperamental:
The racist belief is that "I am white, therefore, you and other colors are lesser than I am". That doesn't signify an "enemy" to me. And if you think someone to be an enemy based off their color, rather than their acts (i.e, you are my enemy because you tried to kill me), you're quite an ignorant person. (not you, but people who think that)

Don't miss this point I made: "Of course it's totally unnecessary nowadays". You are talking about today whilst I'm talking about those times when people were wielding clubs as the latest invention in weapon technology.

Originally posted by money•bie:
This may be true, but rationalizing and nuturing these feelings of xenophobia with pathetic attempts at logic is simply stupid.

Unfortunately I'm enough of a technocrat to try to rationalize great many things... But I have no use for racism in my own life, and I certainly don't support it. And I'm not exceptionally stupid either.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-10-21, 2:36 PM #42
Originally posted by lassev:
Unfortunately I'm enough of a technocrat to try to rationalize great many things... But I have no use for racism in my own life, and I certainly don't support it. And I'm not exceptionally stupid either.
Uh? I was talking about racists.

My thesis was that racism is created by stupid people.

You said it was instinctive.

I said, maybe so, but it still takes stupid people to give in to their feelings and form their opinions based off of them.
2005-10-21, 2:55 PM #43
lol, I laughed out loud. Funny joke, yes. Did April 1st come early?


Wait, this isn't a joke?




2005-10-21, 2:57 PM #44
Well firstly, I'm all for keeping the different races different, Aryans, Celts, Arabs, Blacks, etc but i see it from a different perspective.

We should be proud of our own heritage and race, The world is a beautiful and interesting place, some of us have white skin, some olive, some black, some of us have black hair, some blonde, some red, some of us have green eyes, some blue, some hazel, some brown.

But when one race sees themselves above another race... and uses violence and murder to that end, thats where my understanding ends.

My family come from Germany, Russia, Scotland etc etc, So i'm what you'd call aryan*, perhaps a little celtic as well.

And i'm DAAMMNN proud of that.

And if I was a Persian, with dark skin etc etc, with a rich heritage and history, i'd be DAAMMNN proud to be one.

These blue eyed blonde haired aryans*, are using race differences to breed hate.

In my eyes, they are a stain on the aryan* race.

*theres no such thing as the aryan race as such, i just descibe those with blonde hair and blue eyes as just that.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-10-21, 3:02 PM #45
Death to the white man.

2005-10-21, 3:07 PM #46
The media could either handle this two ways:

1. Make it a huge deal how racist these lyrics are, and give them massive amounts of attention.

2. Not report on them at all and boycot all of their music so as to silence them into obscurity.

I'm guessing they will do the first.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2005-10-21, 3:19 PM #47
Other than preaching superiority of skin color, I think they are actually harming the so-called "white pride." It just enforces that only white people can be racist. Being raised in New Mexico where whites are the minority I can tell you that it is definately not the case. Parents of any race shouldn't raise their children with such hate.

On a side note, I hate saying "race" for a skin color. It just seems...silly.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-10-21, 3:34 PM #48
Originally posted by Ruthven:
Well firstly, I'm all for keeping the different races different, Aryans, Celts, Arabs, Blacks, etc but i see it from a different perspective.

We should be proud of our own heritage and race, The world is a beautiful and interesting place, some of us have white skin, some olive, some black, some of us have black hair, some blonde, some red, some of us have green eyes, some blue, some hazel, some brown.

The current races were born out of evolutionary pressure, the good old isolation, accidential events and racism. Although I'm sure the term racism here could be replaced with something with less negative associations. The effects of all these factors are lessening in our current world, and thus races are mixing. But fortunately so slowly that Ruthven has plenty of time left to die before there is only one mixed race strugling on.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-10-21, 6:55 PM #49
Originally posted by Rob:
If they were a little older, I'd bone both of them if they promised not to talk.

They would.

Women lie.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-10-21, 7:36 PM #50
one mixed race surving would be depressing.

Each race of people on earth is like a vibrant, beautiful colour, red, blue, all the colours of the rainbow...

what happens when we mix all the colours???

It becomes a grey sludge :(

ps oh and I 2nd the boning, i hereby shotgun sloopy seconds on the both of them.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-10-21, 8:01 PM #51
Ok, so let's ship everybody back to their countries of origin and the native "americas" get their country back. Then us whitie Americans, we'll colonize the now vacant Australia since they were all shipped back to Europe, and the racist ones can kolonize Mars.

Then we'll destroy it.

Canada'll be like "did you hear something?"
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2005-10-21, 8:05 PM #52
Those are some werid-*** names... Lynx, Lamb, April?

Yeah, it's just ignorance. Always going to be there. I usually don't get too bent out of shape over this stuff because they live in their own little world and really don't mean anything to me.
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2005-10-21, 8:32 PM #53
Originally posted by THRAWN:
Yes, brunettes are better and less fake.

So do we not realize that this, in itself, is racism or are you just trying to be all clever and witty? If so, it's not working too well.
My Signature
2005-10-21, 8:37 PM #54
THRAWN tries. He really does.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-10-21, 8:38 PM #55
Originally posted by smurfindisguise:
So do we not realize that this, in itself, is racism or are you just trying to be all clever and witty? If so, it's not working too well.

Try harder you were almost witty as well ;)
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-10-21, 8:41 PM #56
Eh, I don't really do wit. It never works.

Except that ONE day, but that was an odd exception.
My Signature
2005-10-21, 8:43 PM #57
i vote that these girls and their family be removed from the genepool...
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-10-21, 9:22 PM #58
Originally posted by Ruthven:
And if I was a Persian, with dark skin etc etc, with a rich heritage and history, i'd be DAAMMNN proud to be one.

FYI, Persians don't all have dark skin. Technically, the dark skin/eyes are due to our mixing with Arabs. Before we were closer to greeks in appearance. Not like it matters, but yeah, Persians run the full gamut from blond hair/blue eyes to almond eyes and straight black hair (i.e. Asian appearance). As realtors say, it's all about location, location, location, and when you are at a crossroads between continents like that, things get mixed. Interesting case indeed, as are other cultures like that, such as Russians. Puts a twist on racial superiority, doesn't it?
2005-10-21, 9:53 PM #59
I really don't care what my race is, nor who my ancestors were, because most of them were probably loosers.
2005-10-21, 10:05 PM #60
I went on their forums... lets just say I never been so ****ing disgusted with such non-sense bull****.
2005-10-21, 10:55 PM #61
I'm quite prejudiced. Against racist people.

I seriously wish it was legal to hunt these ****ers down.
2005-10-21, 11:06 PM #62
Originally posted by -Monoxide-:
I'm quite prejudiced. Against racist people.

I seriously wish it was legal to hunt these ****ers down.

We have a name for you people. True Americans...:P

Yeah, I totally agree with you though. It's sickening how bad the rascism gets.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-10-21, 11:26 PM #63
Oh come now, a pair of ignorant girls making songs is not the worst racism has to offer.
2005-10-21, 11:33 PM #64
Originally posted by THRAWN:
Yes, brunettes are better and less fake.

Nonsense. Most fake blondes were brunettes to begin with. :p
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2005-10-21, 11:52 PM #65
Originally posted by Echoman:
Oh come now, a pair of ignorant girls making songs is not the worst racism has to offer.

It might be these girls are more victims of racism than real racists. They were brainwashed, after all. I have no idea how good singers they are, but if they are any good, they could have become normal, succesful artists and lived the life of pop stars. Now they will live the life of tools for highly controversial minority of extremely bad reputation (made worse because the bad reputation is based on facts).
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-10-22, 12:01 AM #66
Let's send them some Public Enemy CDs. :)
2005-10-22, 1:14 PM #67
Originally posted by THRAWN:
They would.

Women lie.

Duct Tape.

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