Imps and Hellknights aren't really from hell, they are just mutated humans. There IS no hell in this movie. It's some science lab that finds out how to make people super humans. So then this lady finds out some people turn into mutant freaks (imps etc..) when they get injected with this, and some people just turn super human. So people die and become imps and blah blah blah, then this guy dies and his sister injects him with the super human stuff. Well the guy doesn't turn into a imp he turns into a superhuman, so when he wakes up he is in the FPS view. The next 5 mins is this ultra cheesey, FPS view that made me want to die. He stands up and he kills like 40 zombies with his gun and then he goes into a room where he kills pinky with a chainsaw. (The 'Pinky Demon' was actually some guy named pinky with two wheels for naturally the 'pinky demon' has wheels instead of back legs...Crap.) Oh I forgot to mention Sarge (The Rock) isn't the main character, he is actually the bad guy. The main character is some other guy that I forgot his name. Sarge almost turns into a demon..but he gets blown up...and yeah this movie just sucked.
Imps and Hellknights aren't really from hell, they are just mutated humans. There IS no hell in this movie. It's some science lab that finds out how to make people super humans. So then this lady finds out some people turn into mutant freaks (imps etc..) when they get injected with this, and some people just turn super human. So people die and become imps and blah blah blah, then this guy dies and his sister injects him with the super human stuff. Well the guy doesn't turn into a imp he turns into a superhuman, so when he wakes up he is in the FPS view. The next 5 mins is this ultra cheesey, FPS view that made me want to die. He stands up and he kills like 40 zombies with his gun and then he goes into a room where he kills pinky with a chainsaw. (The 'Pinky Demon' was actually some guy named pinky with two wheels for naturally the 'pinky demon' has wheels instead of back legs...Crap.) Oh I forgot to mention Sarge (The Rock) isn't the main character, he is actually the bad guy. The main character is some other guy that I forgot his name. Sarge almost turns into a demon..but he gets blown up...and yeah this movie just sucked.
Think while it's still legal.