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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Regaurding HL2...
Regaurding HL2...
2005-10-24, 9:53 PM #41
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
And all of that is why I don't play anything on line anymore. :)

Between the teamkilling for little to no reason, insults, racism, spawn camping, and just general rudeness and idiocy... Well... What's there to look forward to?

Xbox Lan parties for me. At least then I can physically beat down someone who's being an ***.

1) Not using some cramped, crappy responseless controller.

2) Adaptive AI which is ever-changing, albeit it does have its downfalls

3) The pride of beating something that isn't just an electronic pulse in a little chip.

4) Graphics.

5) More than 16 players maximum.

Just to name a few.
2005-10-25, 7:27 AM #42
Well done, Dj Yoshi. WASD 4 LIFE, b****es.

Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
And all of that is why I don't play anything on line anymore. :)

Between the teamkilling for little to no reason, insults, racism, spawn camping, and just general rudeness and idiocy... Well... What's there to look forward to?

Xbox Lan parties for me. At least then I can physically beat down someone who's being an ***.

Tking is horibble; I can't stand that. Racism isn't tolerated. As for insults, spawn camping, and idiocy, I actually find it to be quite amusing, especially when I am owning. It's like a crude form of entertainment on good ole' pubs.
2005-10-25, 7:47 AM #43
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]1) Not using some cramped, crappy responseless controller.[/QUOTE]I find the Xbox controller to be very reponsive. In fact it's one of the best gamepads on the market today - I even cannibalized one of my inline release cables to build a PC connector for it.

3) The pride of beating something that isn't just an electronic pulse in a little chip.
We're all just electronic impulses passing through an organic or semi-organic substrate. :gbk:
Console games have supported multiple players since games were first created.

4) Graphics.
Which really isn't a huge factor. The Xbox 360 and PS3 were designed around HD resolutions. They'll be able to pull off the usual graphical standard at the same resolution as a full-fledged PC. In addition to that, the consoles are more geared toward gaming (and have specialized equipment that's well-suited to gaming at the expense of common computing tasks, such as preemptive multitasking/out of order execution).
The biggest bottleneck is still in the artwork. Even the Xbox doesn't really feel the crunch until you get into Doom 3 territory.
2005-10-25, 1:18 PM #44
FPS's don't work with joystick movement like on d-pads. They only work well with a pointer device, (mouse, revolution controller)

JonC, you have to remember that the Xbox is running at half of 640x480 (480i) and that its games use much smaller textures, lower polly models and way fewer featurs than their PC counterparts. Over head or no, a Xeon and a Geforce 3 is still a Xeon and a Geforce 3.
2005-10-25, 2:02 PM #45
Killing all autosnipers... on your team? You've gotta be kidding.
2005-10-25, 2:23 PM #46
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Over head or no, a Xeon and a Geforce 3 is still a Xeon and a Geforce 3.

It actually uses a 733Mhz Celeron, not an Xeon.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2005-10-25, 3:38 PM #47
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]I kill all autosnipers. Even the ones on my team.

THAT'S the only weapon I can't stand (and the shotty, but the shotty has its place and I don't ***** about it online, only to friends :P)[/QUOTE]
And now, for FancyMan's most used phrase ever...

"If you've got a problem with weapon balance, tell Valve."
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-10-25, 3:44 PM #48
I'd like to add to the above and say:

"Until then, FEER." *headshot w/ shotgun from half-the-map-away*
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-10-25, 4:16 PM #49
Originally posted by Jon`C:
I find the Xbox controller to be very reponsive. In fact it's one of the best gamepads on the market today - I even cannibalized one of my inline release cables to build a PC connector for it.

We're all just electronic impulses passing through an organic or semi-organic substrate. :gbk:
Console games have supported multiple players since games were first created.

Which really isn't a huge factor. The Xbox 360 and PS3 were designed around HD resolutions. They'll be able to pull off the usual graphical standard at the same resolution as a full-fledged PC. In addition to that, the consoles are more geared toward gaming (and have specialized equipment that's well-suited to gaming at the expense of common computing tasks, such as preemptive multitasking/out of order execution).
The biggest bottleneck is still in the artwork. Even the Xbox doesn't really feel the crunch until you get into Doom 3 territory.

The Xbox controller is quite responsive--technically the most responsive gamepad on the market. But a mouse at 1600DPI is still much, much better.

Console games have supported no more than 16 at a time--PC games are up to 256.

Graphics aren't a HUGE factor, but when you go to shoot someone between two pipes, and it ends up the shot is blocked because they made it one big hitbox to save on performance...yeah...that pisses me off.
2005-10-25, 5:23 PM #50
Originally posted by JediKirby:
I'd like to add to the above and say:

"Until then, FEER." *headshot w/ shotgun from half-the-map-away*

OMG I hate in de_dust2 that you can snipe the spawns at the beginning of the game. Sometimes I took my time selecting weapons and didn't move out of the clear channel; someone sniped me as I made purchases.
2005-10-25, 5:26 PM #51
Originally posted by JDKNITE188:
OMG I hate in de_dust2 that you can snipe the spawns at the beginning of the game. Sometimes I took my time selecting weapons and didn't move out of the clear channel; someone sniped me as I made purchases.

Wow, you must be really slow. I just go o2, b4 (insert number), b1 4, and move out of the way. Or move out of the way and then purchase.
2005-10-25, 6:33 PM #52
Jon`C got most of it.
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]The Xbox controller is quite responsive--technically the most responsive gamepad on the market. But a mouse at 1600DPI is still much, much better.[/quote]
Well if you're that serious about PC gaming, yeah. I personally, have stopped being that serious. I probably wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between a normal optical and you "1600DPI" mouse.

[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Console games have supported no more than 16 at a time--PC games are up to 256.[/quote]
All well and good if you want to play 256 people at a time. I don't. I do believe I stated I like to actually SEE the physical body of the person I'm playing. The proximity also, as I stated, lowers the chance of people doing stupid crap for fear of being beaten with fists. =P Being able to turn to your opponent and talk smack to their face and shove them around a bit > playing over the internet.

And as a final note here, to get ANYWHERE with games online now, you essentially need broadband. My choices in that department freaking blow. One wants to package AOL with their deal and change 40 bucks a month on top of the normal cable bill, and the other is half that price, but doesn't service my area. They service an area 10 minutes away though. Nice, eh?

[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Graphics aren't a HUGE factor, but when you go to shoot someone between two pipes, and it ends up the shot is blocked because they made it one big hitbox to save on performance...yeah...that pisses me off.[/QUOTE]
That wouldn't so much be graphics as it would architechture, right? I've always interpereted graphics to mean the pretty images I see on screen. Not how hitboxes are placed.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2005-10-25, 7:05 PM #53
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
Jon`C got most of it.

Well if you're that serious about PC gaming, yeah. I personally, have stopped being that serious. I probably wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between a normal optical and you "1600DPI" mouse.

All well and good if you want to play 256 people at a time. I don't. I do believe I stated I like to actually SEE the physical body of the person I'm playing. The proximity also, as I stated, lowers the chance of people doing stupid crap for fear of being beaten with fists. =P Being able to turn to your opponent and talk smack to their face and shove them around a bit > playing over the internet.

And as a final note here, to get ANYWHERE with games online now, you essentially need broadband. My choices in that department freaking blow. One wants to package AOL with their deal and change 40 bucks a month on top of the normal cable bill, and the other is half that price, but doesn't service my area. They service an area 10 minutes away though. Nice, eh?

That wouldn't so much be graphics as it would architechture, right? I've always interpereted graphics to mean the pretty images I see on screen. Not how hitboxes are placed.

Personal preference on the first two, true you do need broadband which is bad for you, and graphics can be the same thing as architecture. The more refined the graphics, the more refined the hitboxes, etc.
2005-10-25, 7:51 PM #54
Or just don't use hitboxes.
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.

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