I know I should be googling this for advice, but I wanted to get your guys' [usually humorous] responses.
I've been dating this girl for 6-7 months now and I really love her. As of yesterday we've sort-of started talking about sex and how soon we should do it. I have my boundaries, and I'm not gonna jump into something I'm not ready for. This is, afterall, my first relationship, and I don't want to ruin it (though I'm not sure how that's possible). I'm not sure if I'm really ready for the kind of commitment having sex would bring, and it feels really wierd with this big of a decision on my shoulders. Part of me, the part I hardly ever obey, is saying "Dude, WTF are you waiting for? **** her already!", yet my other side, which I trust, is pulling me to be cautious. Don't get me wrong, this girl of mine is one sexy beast, and at times I have the urge to just undress her right there. But the truth is, she and I haven't gotten past the kissing and feeling stage.
I love her so much, and I'm afraid to hurt her in any way. I know she wants sex. But I'm hesitant...like, when we're making out I feel her boobs and stuff but when I reach down to touch...well, you know where, I catch myself and stop before I get too far. For some reason I don't want to leave this stage innocence. But at the same time I want to go to the next level. And to top it off, I'm doing a pretty crappy-*** job of communicating my feelings to my girlfriend.
I guess it's normal for me to feel these two-sided emotions when faced with the idea of sex. I want it, but I want to go slow, but I want to go fast...ughh. I know what you're all gonna say. Tell her everything I just told you. I think I will.
I've been dating this girl for 6-7 months now and I really love her. As of yesterday we've sort-of started talking about sex and how soon we should do it. I have my boundaries, and I'm not gonna jump into something I'm not ready for. This is, afterall, my first relationship, and I don't want to ruin it (though I'm not sure how that's possible). I'm not sure if I'm really ready for the kind of commitment having sex would bring, and it feels really wierd with this big of a decision on my shoulders. Part of me, the part I hardly ever obey, is saying "Dude, WTF are you waiting for? **** her already!", yet my other side, which I trust, is pulling me to be cautious. Don't get me wrong, this girl of mine is one sexy beast, and at times I have the urge to just undress her right there. But the truth is, she and I haven't gotten past the kissing and feeling stage.
I love her so much, and I'm afraid to hurt her in any way. I know she wants sex. But I'm hesitant...like, when we're making out I feel her boobs and stuff but when I reach down to touch...well, you know where, I catch myself and stop before I get too far. For some reason I don't want to leave this stage innocence. But at the same time I want to go to the next level. And to top it off, I'm doing a pretty crappy-*** job of communicating my feelings to my girlfriend.
I guess it's normal for me to feel these two-sided emotions when faced with the idea of sex. I want it, but I want to go slow, but I want to go fast...ughh. I know what you're all gonna say. Tell her everything I just told you. I think I will.