There are many 'phones far superior to both. I could claim my Beyerdynamic DT 880s were them, except I got the DT 990 Pros instead, which are (purposely) not as neutral.
Anyways, my current high end headphone is the Sennheiser HD600:
Which I am in the process of trading for a pair of Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pros:
Before the HD600s I had the HD497s, a low end but fantastic sounding headphone:
I then traded those for a pair of Etymotic ER-6 in-ear-monitors, which are completely awesome. Bass anemic without amplification, but the proper equalization out of my E-MU 1212m audio card and they are slammin' good fun. Not to mention INCREDIBLY detailed and accurate - for $90 you cannot beat them (well, except for the ER-6i which has more bass and is better for portables). Just make sure your audio source has a bass boost of some kind.
I also own a pair of Koss KSC75s, which, at $20 MSRP, the absolute best headphone bargain there is, EVER. Koss could EASILY put these drivers into full sized headphones and sell them for $80.
My current headphone amplifier is a Millet Hybrid, a tube/solid-state amp which I built myself. I even made the chassis from scratch. It's by no means linear or accurate, but sounds really cool, and was a very fun project.
My headphone e-penis > all yours.

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.