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ForumsDiscussion Forum → 14 year old student forced to stand on a street corner
14 year old student forced to stand on a street corner
2005-11-19, 4:58 PM #41
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:
']Maybe. But in general sophomore and junior grades are what they look at way more than freshman and junior year grades.

Can't disagree with that.
2005-11-19, 5:25 PM #42
[QUOTE=Lord Kuat]UC Santa Cruz isn't exaclty that hard to get into. UC Irvine, where I went, isn't either, I'm just saying. Other schools may be more stringent then they are.[/QUOTE]


freshmen grades are not important at all. colleges know that it's the first year in high school and a big change for many people, so they are forgiving.

most (top) schools recalculate/"standardize" students' gpa's based on their own weight system, since some high schools weight ap or honors classes and some don't, etc, and most of these weight systems give very little weight to freshmen grades. stanford, for example, actually excludes freshmen year grades in their weight system.
2005-11-20, 11:38 AM #43
Look... in the past kids were hit with rods when they were disciplined... and they turned out just fine... now adays thats illegal... as well as their actions... so this is perfectly all right and not wrong.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-11-20, 1:24 PM #44
In the past people lynched black people, so discrimination against them is just fine.

Seriously, your logic is whack.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-11-20, 4:49 PM #45
So wait, if I hit people with bats and if they make it out alive, it's alright?
2005-11-20, 8:33 PM #46
Ha ha pwnt! :D
2005-11-20, 9:35 PM #47
When I grow up and my son does something like, I don't know...

Commits a felony.

You can bet I am going to beat his ***.

If a daughter does it I will get my wife to kick her ***.
2005-11-21, 5:04 AM #48
The people that are complaining about this are the same people that think violence doesn't slove anything. :P
It is well that war is so terrible - otherwise we would grow too fond of it. - Robert E. Lee
2005-11-21, 5:38 AM #49
*kicks JorBo in the face for misspelling "violence"*

It's true! Violence solves everything!
2005-11-21, 11:31 PM #50
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Look... in the past kids were hit with rods when they were disciplined... and they turned out just fine... now adays thats illegal... as well as their actions... so this is perfectly all right and not wrong.

Once again, I don't think the street corner thing is that big a deal, but your argument is not a very good one. The whole reason hitting kids with rods is illegal now is that many of the kids who were hit with rods didn't turn out just fine.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2005-11-21, 11:43 PM #51
Not to sidetrack this discussion, but I just read a recent article that backs up what Michael was talking about, in case you want to read more about the issue: Spanking children fuels aggression, anxiety

It makes sense. Spanking sends a message to children that violence is an acceptable means of communication and problem solving. It always baffles me when I see a parent in public scold a child for hitting a sibling and then smacks them.
2005-11-22, 6:01 AM #52
It got my attention. And I knew how much it hurt so I didn't want to inflict that pain on someone else for no reason.
It is well that war is so terrible - otherwise we would grow too fond of it. - Robert E. Lee
2005-11-22, 5:02 PM #53
Nowadays I assume kids can bring up lawsuits for that sort of thing?
2005-11-22, 7:00 PM #54
I'm not saying that you should kill the kid or torture, neither that discrimination is right. I was disciplined with a belt when ever I got out of hand, I still get the belt once in a while... if it had not been for my dad, I'd never turn out to be what I'am, I'd be a worse thing. When a kid does something wrong, says, he don't do home work, and that goes unpunished, or just a simple "no tv for you" the kid will get acostumed to this and it will grow to be repeatively... how ever, a kid will not like getting spanked, and will make sure to not do the same thing again, for it would mean another spanking, this is all in simple terms. HOW EVER, a kid should be rewarded for his/hers good efforts now and then. When ever I got good grades in the past my dad would get me a game, thus this is how I got Jedi Knight. In the future, I will discipline my children like my father did with me, that is, if I have children. Also, all these things of aggresion build ups and all, are because of many reason, which some of them are:
Over beating or beating for no reason at all, usually happens with drunk parents or with people who can't control their temper.
Unfair beating, in a case where the child is beat in some sort of misunderstanding while not being involved or the cause of it.

In all the beating my dad gave me, there was only one that was kinda unfair, when I explained it to him, he asked me to forgive him, and I did, for he forgives me for my errors. I've lived like this, and I got no aggresion build ups or anything of the sort. My problems are of another area totally different.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-11-22, 7:16 PM #55
So you going to beat your future children, oh, that's so nice to know.
2005-11-30, 10:52 AM #56
Damn, it's people like the mother in that story that confirm my stamd on parenting. Humans are stupid and need to be controlled. On this specific subject;

- A parenting certificate should be instated-

Peoaple who feel theyre miserable genes have something to add to the human evolution (which came to a halt several thousands of years ago), at least check if they're responsible enough to handle a child! This story's a minor example of course, but look at the facts; everyone physically capable of having a child is allowed tp. Drug addicts, poor people, total retards, for that matter. Now if you ask me, that ain't right.
2005-11-30, 11:54 AM #57
really? I'm kind of a fan of the mother in that story. It would suck to be the girl, but that's kind of the point of punishment. And really, she was pretty creative, and she got her point across without voilence, and it probably made quite the impact regardless. And wasn't this thread from a while ago?
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-11-30, 2:13 PM #58
Originally posted by JorBo:
The people that are complaining about this are the same people that think violence doesn't slove anything. :P

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