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ForumsDiscussion Forum → XBox 360
XBox 360
2005-11-24, 6:42 AM #41
Originally posted by Demon_Nightmare:
Can we just give Yoshi a nickname of Sony Fanboy?

Sony fanboy? I'm not getting the PS3. I'd rather get the revolution. :p
2005-11-24, 6:43 AM #42
Xbox and PS are both freakin ripoffs.
2005-11-24, 6:54 AM #43
[QUOTE=IRG SithLord]Xbox and PS are both freakin ripoffs.[/QUOTE]

I agree with the Xbox part--but at least the PS has some decent PS3-only titles.
2005-11-24, 7:56 AM #44

Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-11-24, 8:03 AM #45
How can the Ps3 have decent titles if they arent out yet :confused:
2005-11-24, 8:06 AM #46
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Sony fanboy? I'm not getting the PS3. I'd rather get the revolution. :p[/QUOTE]
Damn straight.

The PS3 sounds pretty much worthless to me. There are no announced/speculated titles that arouse my interest in the least. Hell, in the last generation I bought a PS2 exclusively to play Final Fantasy games. The only three titles I own for it that aren't Final Fantasy-related are God of War, Katamari Damacy and Devil May Cry 3 (which I ended up disliking anyway). I'm much more likely to buy a Xbox 360 -- and the only Xbox 360 game I'm ever likely to own will be Halo 3.

The Revolution, on the other hand, has much more potential. I'm actually feeling sorta retarded for my earlier comments about it. I think the Revolution is going to break the concept of 'genre', with games having totally different gameplay styles from other games (even first person shooters). It's going to do for gaming what pixel shaders did for graphics.
2005-11-24, 9:23 AM #47
Come on!

Why do people have to "pick" a console that's the best and then constantly defend it? Who cares??? I like the Xbox best, only because it has games to my liking. I do own a PS2, and have borrowed a Gamecube for a few months.

I just don't understand the need to pick a console, and then downplay the rest of them. Seems very immature.
[This message has been edited by Viper45 (edited December 27, 2000).]
2005-11-24, 10:34 AM #48
Someone give me an idea of why a business would take losses on a product for the heck of it or am I missing something? I know MS won't go down the toilet because of the XBox 360, as it is fractional in comparison to their software business.
2005-11-24, 10:37 AM #49
I'm pretty sure they easily make up for the money on games and other optional accessories. I could be wrong, but thats how it was with the =Xbox.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-11-24, 6:22 PM #50
Originally posted by Jepman:
I'm pretty sure they easily make up for the money on games and other optional accessories. I could be wrong, but thats how it was with the =Xbox.

And their live service. The first xbox took a hit in hardware so they could get a "foot in the door" so to speak. Now they have marketshare, and they can profit even more with that by hyping their system to no end.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-11-24, 7:23 PM #51
PS3 actually has some neat racing games coming out for it. I saw an f1 preview video that showed mechanics in the pits and people in the stands, looked like a good fun racing game. I wouldn't ever buy a console, but I'll wait and maybe convince someone near me to buy one and let me use it. :)
.................................................. ........
.................................................. ....rock!
2005-11-25, 6:07 AM #52
I played the 360 in gamestation last night. It's looks ick, and the controller feels ick.

2005-11-25, 6:27 AM #53
Originally posted by Jon`C:
The only three titles I own for it [the PS2] that aren't Final Fantasy-related are God of War, Katamari Damacy and Devil May Cry 3.

I'm not a fanboy, but I really recommend checking out any of the following PS2 titles also:

Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Shadow of the Colossus (and ICO)
Dragon Quest VIII
Kingdom Hearts
Resident Evil 4 (if not for GC)

That, in addition to God of War, is what I really like on the console and is worth playing any day.

IMO, not to ignite a flame war here, but I was disappointed in the PS2 for most of its lifespan. You'll notice, however, that 5 out of the 6 of my favorite games on the system have come out in the last year, so that's changed my opinion about the system a lot.
2005-12-10, 2:51 PM #54
I dont know about you guys, but I cant wait to play with this


How would games like Smash brothers, bond, etc, even work?
2005-12-10, 2:56 PM #55
2005-12-10, 3:03 PM #56
VG Cats > you
*Naughty blurred image in comic
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!

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