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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Snow
2005-11-24, 8:31 AM #41
Une tempête de neige whooohoo! :D
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-11-24, 8:45 AM #42
Ich wünsche, daß wir einen Schneesturm hatten :(
2005-11-24, 1:36 PM #43
I saw a thin layer of snow this morning. Damn winter. Damn it to hell!
2005-11-24, 1:56 PM #44
We got hit with a huge snow storm. Canada ftw.

last night, 7cm. Today, 20cm. 27 cm. Well, since 30 cm is almost a foot... Yeah.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-11-25, 6:03 AM #45
It's been going for the last 4 hours here.

3 Inches.
2005-11-25, 6:03 AM #46
Started snowing today.

Woah. I'm really in Finland after all.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-11-25, 6:07 AM #47
Had snow this morning.
But not the funny kind of snow. We only had the kind that's cold, wet, muddy and useless.
Sorry for the lousy German
2005-11-25, 8:04 AM #48
I'm in Michigan this weekend visiting family and lets just say the snow goes up your leg
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-11-25, 10:00 AM #49
Sorry for the lousy German
2005-11-25, 10:22 AM #50
Frozen Erotica.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-11-25, 11:13 AM #51
Does that sound like a dessert to anyone else?
2005-11-25, 11:14 AM #52
Frozen Genki served with hot fudge!
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-11-25, 11:17 AM #53
Wouldn't that result in.... sticky Geek-slush?
2005-11-25, 11:18 AM #54
Boco... what part were you thinking of eating exactly...
Yes, you walked right into that one.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-11-25, 11:20 AM #55
I was thinking of an arm made of ice-cream. :p
2005-11-25, 11:23 AM #56
I always knew genki was a ice cream cone in denial.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-11-25, 1:43 PM #57
But I thought Genki was Gordon Freeman.

Also, I just noticed that I have over 6,000 posts.
2005-11-25, 1:46 PM #58
Its time you retire. Two proofs in one post.

A) Genki as Gordon Freeman? Thou art senile.
B) You babble too much.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-11-25, 1:54 PM #59
What, just because I usually make comments in threads that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic being discussed.

Oooh hey look at the shiny thing...
2005-11-25, 2:22 PM #60
Our Gordon Freeman resident was DogsRool, not p<Genki>s.

As for snow, we got our first snowfall yesterday, but it was hardly anything, as it didn't even cover any roads. I'm hoping for some good snow stuff either after this weekend for the next 2 weeks or, like, February-ish, when Maryland usually gets its significant snowfall.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-11-25, 2:35 PM #61
Man I live in Colorado, but it aint snowing here at all!

Well, maybe once in september...
2005-11-25, 2:58 PM #62
OH SWEET JESUS! Ghost, shrink that sig, you can't read the purple, and the quote isn't even funny. It's just a huge uneeded gap.
2005-11-25, 4:29 PM #63
How many calories does this frozen Genki treat have?
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-11-25, 4:54 PM #64
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-11-27, 12:19 PM #65
Awesome! It finally started to snow here.
Attachment: 8843/Snow 011.JPG (95,463 bytes)
2005-11-27, 3:11 PM #66
Dude, there are mountains in your backyard!
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2005-11-27, 4:28 PM #67
Lol, yeah they are so cool.
The last one is a normal October day.
(The first two I went out a few minutes ago and took and nearly froze my butt off)
Attachment: 8854/Snow2 011.JPG (122,490 bytes)
Attachment: 8855/Snow2 033.JPG (109,817 bytes)
Attachment: 8856/timp.jpg (30,351 bytes)
2005-11-27, 5:10 PM #68
:eek: you have an amazing view
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-11-27, 5:56 PM #69
It doesn't snow in Santa Cruz. :(
2005-11-27, 8:16 PM #70
Space_Bandit, those mountains looke totally CG... yet, for some reason I vote that you win the "photoshop wars"
2005-11-27, 8:25 PM #71
Still no snow in Edmonton AB :gbk:
2005-11-29, 3:02 AM #72
I found some snow on Saturday, had to go to the lake district to find it though!
2005-11-29, 4:08 AM #73
I don't like snow
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2005-11-29, 4:35 AM #74
Snow is bad, ice is much worse.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-11-29, 4:54 AM #75
I agree, I fell through some ice halfway round that walk up to my waist in freezing cold water.
2005-11-29, 8:50 AM #76
I would probably pass out in that second pic.

"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."

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