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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Boy Problems Thread!
Boy Problems Thread!
2005-12-06, 7:31 AM #41
i need a beer
I <3 Massassi
2005-12-06, 7:35 AM #42
Sugarless, tell that first guy to **** off. Then, tell the second guy to **** off, too. Just keep you eyes open. There really is no need to rush into these sorts of things. You're in college, you have more important things to do. Just have fun with your friends, do your schoolwork, and enjoy yourself, and stick with your moral convictions and everything will work itself out naturally.

Oh, and just for reference:
]-[ellequin's twenty minute rule: If you have to drive more than twenty minutes to get to a given girl[guy], she[he]'s not worth it, in most instances. In the distance you cover in twenty minutes, there's got to be someone just as good.
2005-12-06, 9:28 AM #43
What! What is this? *head explodes* :eek:
2005-12-06, 9:48 AM #44
wow...i never realized that ]-[ had a soul.


goood advice.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2005-12-06, 10:25 AM #45
lol yeah actually it really was
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-12-06, 10:27 AM #46
Originally posted by Ford:
wow...i never realized that ]-[ had a soul.


goood advice.

I am slightly insulted, although I give away free advice in #massassi everyday. We should have a "Ask ]-[ellequin for Advice" forum.
2005-12-06, 11:10 AM #47
I'm not entirely sure I agree with ]-[, but long-distance relationships of any sort are hard, if nothing else.

Still, it is good advise not to stress over it too much. Easier said than done, sometimes.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-12-06, 12:42 PM #48
Originally posted by quesadilla_red:
No...boys are icky. :p

I smell a lesbian. :confused:
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-12-06, 12:48 PM #49
Sugarless, go for me.

I'm not really into sex and I have a car so I can drive to see you. All I like is getting a hug on weekends and a present on my birthday. I request no love, no attention and no washing. If you request attention I give it on request. Flowers are optional. I supply money for your pleasures and I will not suggest aspirins if you claim you have a head ache on cold nights. I sing good, especially in the shower, and I like to dance.

Disclaimer : Sometimes pee the bed if I'm given a drunk after midnight.

Ok, so that was random, and I felt like trying my new joke profile for match-making websites.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-12-06, 1:02 PM #50
Forgot this : lawl
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-12-06, 2:11 PM #51
Well girl - you know my opinion ...

(and I was kidding about that underground for breeding purposes thing...mostly)

Keep'em both dangling till one decideds to commit (and don't EVER ignore someone who you click with - ESPECIALLY if he is THAT sexy...)

- They aren't really committing - why should you?!

- And that whole thing about enjoying college and focusing on school and ect. = Very Awesome Idea

- Finally - Never Settle - (especially if he's really boring - boring boys are BAD)

Stop Stressing!

...I have Chocolate and Banana Now and Laters in my room - come by and get them and we'll discuss how boys don't understand us and we don't understand them...that conversation never gets old.

(besides I have the RENT soundtrack blaring and we should definitely choragraph a dance to Ou(ooo)t Tonight - just because...)
"I've never seen anyone do an interpretive dance to Mien Kampf "
2005-12-06, 2:44 PM #52
Were TOO cool :D
2005-12-06, 2:46 PM #53
The obvious solution is a .38 slug to the temple of said boy.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-12-06, 2:47 PM #54
I find it amusing how all these people give advice, yet only a very few of us know the story.

Anyway, "Steph", just listen to ol' ]-[ellequin.
2005-12-06, 3:21 PM #55
Originally posted by Ruthven:
I smell a lesbian. :confused:

Unfortunately, no. :(
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-12-06, 3:25 PM #56
Axe is what I imagine napalm smells like.

I swear that stuff burns all the way down into my lungs.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2005-12-06, 4:00 PM #57
"I love the smell of Axe in the morning. Smells like... victory."
2005-12-06, 4:19 PM #58
Grills are nice.
2005-12-06, 5:44 PM #59
Milady didn't have chocolate, SHE ATE IT BEFORE I EVEN GOT THERE! Jerk.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-12-06, 5:45 PM #60
I do that to my friends all the time......but it's usually with pie
2005-12-06, 6:19 PM #61
Originally posted by sugarless5:
Milady didn't have chocolate, SHE ATE IT BEFORE I EVEN GOT THERE! Jerk.

Bring on the foxy-boxing!! :D
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-12-06, 6:39 PM #62
Pissed Off?
2005-12-06, 6:43 PM #63
And a general rule of thumb for ladies, based on my friend's conversations that I kinda listened in on cause it was during class and I was kinda spaced out (did that sound suspicious?), skater guys are usually more loyal and patient that party hardy preps/cowboy wannabes. Look at the culture difference do your own thing to be happy vs. try to be as popular as possible.

That'll stir up the anthill. Enjoi
2005-12-06, 6:56 PM #64
I'm sure that's true. :rolleyes:
Pissed Off?
2005-12-06, 6:57 PM #65
Just going by what I've heard. *shrug*
2005-12-06, 6:58 PM #66
aww here, come to daddy.
2005-12-06, 7:06 PM #67
[QUOTE=fallen shadow]Look at the culture difference do your own thing to be happy vs. try to be as popular as possible.

That'll stir up the anthill. Enjoi[/QUOTE]

hah.. so uh, if your popular your not happy? cause all the popular kids are cring on the inside.. besides after highschool nobody is popular.. or happy.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-12-06, 7:11 PM #68
that's why I loved being a chorus kid. We were well liked without being "popular" and completely dorky and not quite part of any stereotype. yay us!

and you can be happy and "popular" as long as your happiness doesn't completely hinge on popularity
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-12-06, 7:21 PM #69
Knew I'd get peeps riled.

Nothing against being popular, I just think try to be takes too much work and you don't really spend time for yourself. And most of the time, it's a subconcious(sp) thing anyhow.
2005-12-07, 4:24 AM #70
fallen shadow makes me giggle
2005-12-07, 4:56 AM #71
Originally posted by Chewbubba:
Axe is what I imagine napalm smells like.

I swear that stuff burns all the way down into my lungs.

I take it you haven't run through a tunnel covered with rags soaked in napalm and set afire, the burning napalm dripping all around you like true rain of fire...

Actually that was fun, but still I would rather use Axe than napalm for the intended purpose of Axe.

Chocolate... Hmm... I have actually a box of premium chocolate in a cupboard. Though I have no intention of opening it any time soon, although every day I look at it, tempted to devour it all (not the box, though, just the chocolate).
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-12-07, 1:10 PM #72
Originally posted by sugarless5:
Milady didn't have chocolate, SHE ATE IT BEFORE I EVEN GOT THERE! Jerk.

IN my defense I must say that I DID have lots of Banana Now and Laters (which were given to you!) And we DID have the "Men don't understand Women" conversation (which still isnt old). And We did choregraph a dance to Ou(OOO)t Tonight (which is really hot). And it is not my fault - the allure of the chocolate was just TOO much and I gave in to my desires...can you blame me?!
"I've never seen anyone do an interpretive dance to Mien Kampf "
2005-12-07, 1:11 PM #73
Men don't understand women because women don't make any goddamn sense.
2005-12-07, 1:13 PM #74
But Banananananana (That word is fun, I never know when to stop) Now and Laters suck. You're a horrible friend.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2005-12-07, 1:14 PM #75
Originally posted by ':
-[ellequin']Men don't understand women because women don't make any goddamn sense.

They do, but the rules of their logic change every 3-5 minutes.
omnia mea mecum porto
2005-12-07, 1:15 PM #76
Originally posted by fishstickz:
But Banananananana (That word is fun, I never know when to stop) Now and Laters suck. You're a horrible friend.

She loves Banana Now and Laters


(I prefer Tropical Punch myself)
"I've never seen anyone do an interpretive dance to Mien Kampf "
2005-12-07, 1:15 PM #77
Originally posted by ':
-[ellequin']Men don't understand women because women don't make any goddamn sense.

It would be helpful if they told us things instead of expecting us to know.
Pissed Off?
2005-12-07, 1:25 PM #78
Originally posted by ':
-[ellequin']Men don't understand women because women don't make any goddamn sense.

Not even nonsense?
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-12-07, 1:37 PM #79
Originally posted by Recusant:
fallen shadow makes me giggle

Is that good or bad?

Oh, ever read the wrapper on those things (now & laters)? Look above the name...kinda funny.

Everyone listen to a little song called 'Mood Rings' by RelientK. And be happy.
2005-12-07, 8:49 PM #80
I won't eat a Now and Later anymore...

I bit into one, many halloweens ago, and it was stale, hard, and a little crunchy...

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