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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Confess Your Sins
Confess Your Sins
2005-12-06, 10:50 AM #41
I'd probably not like to mention this, but I've seen some pretty bad ones out there :P

Underage viewage of pr0n (Who hasn't?)
Underage Drinking
Pirating software / music. A lot. Oh well, Canadian.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-12-06, 11:37 AM #42
I'm kinda scared of ]-[ellequin now. :p
2005-12-06, 11:49 AM #43
Originally posted by LordVirus:
Various forms of Piracy (including *real* piracy...)

"Sometimes the right course demands an act of piracy. Piracy itself... can... be the right course?" - Governor from PotC
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-12-06, 12:05 PM #44
Everything in this thread except GTA and a few of spe's drugs

though have held most of those.
2005-12-06, 12:08 PM #45
- piracy
- technically speeding, but not intentionally
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-12-06, 12:15 PM #46
Originally posted by Sol:
Smoking the cheba (is this really a crime? ;))



Piracy (Arr!)

Tresspassing (airsofting after dark at a local school, some some other places)

Speeding with only my G1 class licence (I got lucky that day, got off with only speeding and got to drive home LOL.)

Other then that I'm a little angel. :p

My list is similar to this. Except add public nudity and fishing without a license.
2005-12-06, 1:51 PM #47
Hmmm...I'm generally innocent (but never naive).

~I'm an excellent lock - pick (I'll let you figure out the rest)

~ Truancy (duh - but only a little - I was a really good student)

~Tresspassing (whole lot of that - see above - being an extremely flexible individual can be a major plus depending on what kind of place you want to get into...)

~ Driving without a license (of any kind) :D

~There's probably a law of some sort about discharging my airsoft gun in public (my yard)- and nearly hitting my cranky neigbor's dog a.k.a Annoying McConstantBark (stinkin' little thing runs fast)

~ Breaking and entering (- my high school -I forgot my Star Wars book on a Friday, my own house several times, my friends houses when they got locked out )

~ Stealing - once when I was five...I gave it back...

~ a lil' Piracy

I'm really innocent (in general)- no porn - no sexual crimes -no drugs/ alcohol- I don't smoke, and I haven't killed anyone (yet - someone is really gunning to make me ruin my perfect record with regards to that one)
"I've never seen anyone do an interpretive dance to Mien Kampf "
2005-12-06, 2:15 PM #48
piracy (media.... women)
i don't really do controlled substances
i've broken too many gun laws, underage, no permit, killing birds with no permit, inside city limits, clay shooting across the road from the country club...
i know a vegan dairy farmer
2005-12-06, 2:16 PM #49
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-12-06, 2:27 PM #50
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-12-06, 2:46 PM #51
Software piracy makes my hard drive cry...

Now to download Dark Forces.....
2005-12-06, 3:02 PM #52
1. Downloading mp3s.
2. Downloading tv show episodes. (i deleted them soon after watching)
3. Not taking the smoked samon jerky i bought at the start of an overseas trip while in canada, through customs when I got home.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2005-12-06, 3:18 PM #53
Originally posted by Milady:
~I'm an excellent lock - pick (I'll let you figure out the rest)

Always wanted to learn how to do that. I know the theory and how to make your own tools etc, just never done it.

Originally posted by alpha1:
Downloading tv show episodes. (i deleted them soon after watching)

Yeah, I do that instead of music. It's not like I'd be paying to watch them on TV, anyway.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2005-12-06, 6:07 PM #54
Lockpicking isn't a crime! Unless you use it. :p

It's also not too hard as long as you don't try to, like, break into a coke machine or something.
2005-12-06, 6:32 PM #55
I don't have any sins because I've never gotten caught :p
2005-12-06, 6:32 PM #56
Sins? Well, I laughed at this:
Attachment: 9129/calvinsad3ot.jpg (39,837 bytes)
2005-12-06, 6:46 PM #57
"Felony Vandalism"

What the hell did you vandalize!?
My Parkour blog
My Twitter. Follow me!
2005-12-06, 6:47 PM #58
Grand theft arson.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-12-06, 6:51 PM #59
Originally posted by happydud:
"Felony Vandalism"

What the hell did you vandalize!?

His computer!
2005-12-06, 6:53 PM #60
Incidentally, I believe in the importance of law and order and all, but... yeah, Helle is awesome.
2005-12-06, 6:55 PM #61
I broke the Holy Crap There's No ****ing Way Anyone Can Legally Be This Awesome, So We're Sending You To Jail For Life Law

Also, I think I might be guilty of pride.
2005-12-06, 7:22 PM #62
hmm.. well

underage DUI (got busted)
underage drinking (im of age now)
smoking the reefer
fake ID
grand threft
I've bought beer for underage people
illegal downloading of things
bought cigerettes for underagers
shooting a firearm in city limits x2
possesion of paraphernalia(spelling??) (got busted)
possesion of marijuana (got busted)
underage possesion of alchohol (got busted)
destroying private property
other various one time use of drugs

..that should cover it.
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-12-06, 8:01 PM #63
Originally posted by Spork:
Grand theft arson.

stealing the illegal lighting of a fire?
i know a vegan dairy farmer
2005-12-06, 8:10 PM #64
OK, we just confessed a week ago at church. I never understood why we had to verbally confess, but whatever.

Viewing of pr0n.
Talking about friends behind their backs.
More pr0n (lots of pr0n).
Cheated on a test or two in the last year, even if it was minor.
Gossiping (somewhat)

I'm not sorry about the cussing, and I'm not sorry about the pr0n so they weren't confessed to my priest. There were a few other things, but I forgot so..whatever. Mostly it was just more in depth of those.

Oh and, lots of music piracy. And some more cussing.

I also took 2 shots of vodka a few weeks ago while my parents were at a wedding, and my little brother was at a friend's house...
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-12-06, 8:17 PM #65
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
OK, we just confessed a week ago at church. I never understood why we had to verbally confess, but whatever.



Oh and, lots of music piracy. And some more cussing.

**** that!
2005-12-06, 8:21 PM #66
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
I also took 2 shots of vodka a few weeks ago while my parents were at a wedding, and my little brother was at a friend's house...

Dude! You must have been sooo wasted! :p
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2005-12-06, 10:23 PM #67
I walked on the grass.
2005-12-06, 10:32 PM #68
I confess to Almighty God, to Blessed Mary ever Virgin, to all the Saints, and to you, my spiritual Father, that I have sinned. *makes sign of cross*

Seeing nekkid wimmins.
Did the MP3 thing too.
Unclean thoughts.

S'about all I can think of for the moment.

Oh yeah...the software thing...yeah.

*bans self*
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-12-06, 10:35 PM #69
What about the guy you killed last summer?
2005-12-06, 10:42 PM #70
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
Unclean thoughts.

I think we're all guilty of that
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-12-06, 10:50 PM #71
My only sin is that I have no sins. :p
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-12-06, 11:34 PM #72
Originally posted by Echoman:
What about the guy you killed last summer?

Yeah him too.

*looks outside to see 5 police cars + 1 FBI*

Oh ****...
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-12-07, 1:28 AM #73
I STILL know what you did last summer.
2005-12-07, 4:14 AM #74
Originally posted by Milady:
~I'm an excellent lock - pick (I'll let you figure out the rest)
~Tresspassing (whole lot of that - see above - being an extremely flexible individual can be a major plus depending on what kind of place you want to get into...)

I always get the urge to try getting into locked places for fun. Never acted on it, but I think about it a lot.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2005-12-07, 5:28 AM #75
i whack it everyday
im sry
Derrka Derrka Allah Jihad
2005-12-07, 7:17 AM #76
Originally posted by happydud:
"Felony Vandalism"

What the hell did you vandalize!?

A police car.
2005-12-07, 7:05 PM #77
One time In high school I stole 4 sweatshirts and a 100 stack of those $10 Mountain Mike's Pizza deal cards from the student leadership closet. (WTF was I thinking....?)
I had sex with a minor multiple times
I've stolen a lot from supermarkets
Smoke weed every now and then (hardly ever)
Does the occasional reckless driving count?

Those are the big ones, there are of course countless smaller things that everybody does. (DL music, software, pr0n, etc) Never been busted or anything like that, but i've calmed down a lot lately.
2005-12-08, 12:43 PM #78
Hmm i'm not too bad:

  • Underage drinking
  • Trespassing
  • Err i guess you could even class faking a photocopy of my passport to get me into bars as forgery.. or so my mum says
  • Stole a few pint glasses
  • Piracy(not the skull and crossbones type)

Thats about it.. they mostly seem to be associated with alcohol for some reason...
2005-12-08, 2:05 PM #79
  • Underage drinking
  • Trespassing
  • Theft
  • Piracy
  • Got arrested once "to prevent a breach of the peace" YAY for draconian anti-terrorism laws!
  • Technically a few things I did on school computers could have been called hacking
  • Speeding (only just though and it was on a bicycle :D)
  • Assault/Public affray (whatever you call a fight)
  • Used to set off home-made bombs on public land from time to time when I was 14/15

It's all just fairly typical teenage tomfoolery
2005-12-08, 2:21 PM #80
They say confessing is good for your soul so lets get started...

- GBH, stabbed somebody in the head ( this actually made me very popular as the guy was a ****** :D ), also throw somebody into a window and cut his head open, glad to say the window was in one piece (self-defence, sorta ;) )
- Theft, nothing major (paper and a ruler from school, glasses from work, bar mats from a pub)
- Tresspass (too many times to count)
- Damage of public property
- Damage of government property
- Damage of private property
- Speeding
- Driving while drunk (was an emergency, I have a strict rule agaisnt this)
- Computer piracy, both handeling and reprouction
- Arson
- Underage drinking

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