I'm sure I once said you can have fun in a level that's nothing more than a box with a dozen concussion rifles in. The fact is, everyone has an innate ability to turn even the most pathetically dull thing into something that's hilariously funny. JHS neither looked good nor had good gameplay, there was no flow and the traps were very badly thought out. But as a result of my box-of-weapons theory, it still managed to be fairly enjoyable.
None of the Dralloc levels were any good either, yet they were played almost non-stop on the zone. In fact, only two custom levels that were played on the zone were any good. Drazen and Barons Hed RPG. The reason? It's because from the start they make it clear that they aren't intended for deathmatch play but rather to promote some basic role-playing structure.
JHS was good for testing out mods because it had a bit of everything, open spaces, closed spaces, high spaces etc. But let's be clear, it was NOT a good level.
Do not try and argue with me on this, I am right, this is not an opinion.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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