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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Disney, the evil corporation
Disney, the evil corporation
2005-12-08, 7:02 PM #41
Calling someone out for invoking Goodwin's rule is legitimate because there is such an emotionally charged fear/hatred programmed into Western culture about Hitler and his actions that using it to shoot down an argument is an unreasonable extrapolation.

After the American Civil War, Northern politicians were infamous for "waving the bloody shirt" to shoot down Southern politicians in Senate. That is, they'd throw the blame on the South again and again because they had seceeded from the Union as the Confederacy. Whether secession was 'right' or 'wrong' is immaterial, merely using the fact that the South tried something, screwed up, and was defeated doesn't automatically void any other argument they make from then on, and you can't just compare everything to slavery and confederacy.

That's like the Christian fundamentalist saying "God said it so it must be true." That technically ends the argument, because, in their eyes, who are you to argue with God? Who are we, likewise in your eyes, to argue with Western civilization?

To sum it up, comparing something to Hitler's practices in a rational argument is as fair a move as punching somebody in the balls during a boxing match. Yes, it's a powerful blow, but it's considered pretty underhanded.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2005-12-08, 7:08 PM #42
Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
Times I've been legitimately compared to Hitler in an argument: 3
that's quite a record you've got going, there
2005-12-08, 9:14 PM #43
Originally posted by THRAWN:
That is illegal and she could sue them for that statement.

No it's not.

UPS does it all the time for delivery drivers. There is a look, there is a way to act, and you will be flat out told if you have what it takes. Seniority or not.

UPS > Disney

They want to entertain customers, not scare them away.

Moral of the story, don't give your teeth to the tooth fairy. Obviously it's a conspiracy.
2005-12-08, 9:19 PM #44
Originally posted by MBeggar:
Spiral, you just invoked Godwins Law.

Sorry! You lose!

And if the thread is over, you can leave knowing you made an equally significant contribution to ending it by provoking Spiral.
2005-12-08, 9:55 PM #45
Ok this thread is too long to read, but Disney sux ***! I think only past and present Disney employees can tell you how ****ty the place and work environment is.

Where Universal is about doing your job, but just like being yourself, Disney is all "psycho happy"

For instance where I used to work, it was early in the morning, and we were still preparing for opening the theatre. This lady starts banging on the glass to come in. My friend John walked over to her and kindly said "miss we cant let u in, we still arent open" at this she was so appauled she replied in an exasperated tone "well YOU certainly arent having a very Disney day"

It was like, are u for real! We hadnt even put in the cash registers yet the popcorn wasnt made, the movies werent even playing, what'd she want to do, come in and stare at the wall?

Anyways, to top it off Disney is all about "smile" "be happy" I mean shoot, to a pt. it's abnormal. And yes, celebration is creepy. I have a friend who lives in there. It's like something outta Pleasantville. Like outta a 50's show, warped into this century. It's def. creepy.

Anyways, yes, Disney is evil and they have too much money. Those who havent worked there would never know till they got the full Disney experiance. Sometimes I wonder if Pluto wasnt accidently run over, or if the person didnt just plain jump in front of the float to stop the misery of working for the place. (I know that's not funny, but Disney really sux)
2005-12-08, 10:03 PM #46
Yes, and like Laura, I use to work for Disney too
2005-12-08, 10:04 PM #47
Originally posted by Spiral:
but the point is that this is the same thing as if a black man is turend away because he is black, and got a job somewhere else.. he shouldn't HAVE to get a job somewhere else...

No, actually, the reasoning behind not hiring her is rational, if not the sad truth. People with a full set of teeth are more charismatic and people will interact with them better. They're more attractive. If Disney wants someone like that, it's rational to not hire her because of her teeth, even though I don't agree with it. They should give her the job anyway and provide her with money or insurance so that she can get them. It would only be discriminatory if the job description didn't specify that you needed a full set of teeth. I think.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-12-08, 10:08 PM #48
Econ does work as Nubs said.

Her labor (resource) is being allocated to where she is most valued. That's a good thing. You don't want a misallocation of resources.

"Anyways, yes, Disney is evil and they have too much money. " Sorry, but you can't help the result of supply and demand. Not to mention that it's not like Disney is hoarding money or anything. They have a 24 cent dividend for their stock holders, and a main lesson in econ is that profits always go to zero. Any profit they have they immediatley re-invest it into Disney, or give it to their stockholders. Not to mention that if they were so amazingly profitable, PEOPLE WOULD BE TRYING TO DO THE SAME THINGS!! Oh, but then I guess Disney just uses their monopolistic tactics to stop them. Well, you've just entered rent seeking. Rent Seeking is an attempt to protect your profits. They'll spend up to their "profit" trying to protect their profits. So once again profits go to zero.

So yes, Disney has a lot of money, but they spend it.

And by the way, Godwin's Law owns!
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-12-08, 11:52 PM #49
as far as disney having so much money, granted supply and demand, but have u ever been to disney world? it pretty much sucks... none of the rides there are thrilling (except for maybe 2 or 3)... that's pretty bad when you have 4 parks and only 2 or 3 good rides... they are all slow paced "family" rides.... like Stitch's great escape:, Pirates of the Carribean, it's a small world, star tours, the great movie ride and so on.... also the parks are spaced out really really far, so it taked forever to go from one park to the next, and the attractions themselves int eh parks are spaced out really far, so it takes ALL day to ride 2 or 3 attractions... it seems like they are trying to draw extra money from you through gas money... Disney all around sucks...

Busch Gardens & Universal are the bomb!!!
2005-12-09, 12:37 AM #50
Originally posted by mscbuck:
"Anyways, yes, Disney is evil and they have too much money. "

Lol let me elaborate...with allll the money they make, they could afford to make the rides a lottttt better. Universal even teases them for this. Where Universal brings new and innovative rides, and improve the old ones, Disney rides are always breaking down and are the same as they were from the day they first opened. You may ask, "what's so bad about that, nostalgia right" WRONG. Ok I admit, as bad as the ride is I like Pirates of the Carribean (and NO not cuz of the movie, I liked the ride before) but the animatronics are so awful. That ride would rock, if they fixed things in the ride and brought them more up to date, added some adventure.

Disney employers (well the ones I've worked under) are normally so anal and it's merely cuz of how Mike Eisner used to run things. It's like work your employees to the bone, treat them like crap, and their reward will be to go to the parks with everyone else and deal with the old rides...come on now.

Universal brings new things, has events and parties for their employees and I guarantee you, without a doubt in my mind, if that old lady would have gone to Universal first they would have taken her regardless of bottom teeth or not, and allowed her to be out with the public, and it'd be more of her having a good personality and being good with people.

Disney seriously has problems, it sux to work there, and the shame is, people save hundreds of dollars to make trips out there, to get stuck with mediocrity and bad rides. The poor kids dont know the difference, and the parents get suckered into wasting their money on "The Happiest Place on Earth"

The whole idea is nice, the innocense of kids, and letting them experiance the movies, but it's the people who mess it up (Not Walt Disney himself, he was cool) but the other people who have come into control of disney, that have made it more a money pumping machine, and they've lost the quality of pleasing the workers and costumers so everything is win win. Anywho, I've finished my rant, really until u've worked at Disney, and have been on the other side and behind the scenes is when I feel others can speak about it. ANd I guarantee u, tons of former Disney employees dont speak highly of the place.

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