[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Anyone who's not a silly impatient git whose unwilling to work with a PC for five minutes would never touch one. They're riddled with bugs, not anywhere near 100% backwards compatible (with no plans to ever be 100% or even close. We addressed this in RTfM.), basically all PC ports for money you could have spent on making your PC at least on par with the 360 (more likely better). I like how Ian says it takes him an hour to tweak a game. Odd, it takes me the whole of 2 minutes.[/quote]
The compatability as it stands now, and as it continues, will very likely be good enough for the vast majority of users out there.
And yes, often it can take an hour for me. Because you know what? Not everyone has their RAM maxed out. Not everyone has their processors overclocked. Not everyone has the latest and greatest graphics card on the bloody market. And not everyone has the time, or gives a **** about updating drivers all the damn time.
So when you factor in the time it takes to install, and then account for all the extra little crap someone like me might have to do to make something run slightly above average, yes. It can take an hour. Do I do it all at once? Hell no. I spread it out over a few days. But that hour still remains.
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Basically, no games for it are going to be exclusive except a very select few (99 nights, Rare games, Hexic, PGR, Halo), [/quote]
Congrats on stating the exact reason people like Zloc and I want one.
Exclusive titles don't really concern me. Neither do ports. The over all selection (past and future) DOES. I got an Xbox because it elminated the hassle of dealing with alot of PC crap, while still allowing me to play PC ported titles. And you know what? The Xbox just so happened to also trump the GameCube and PS2 in graphical ability, which made it the better choice for what I wanted.
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]and the PS3 is going to stomp it with titles and power when it comes out.[/quote]
That's nice. Explain to me why I should care. At this point in time, the 360 for me isn't about the power anymore. It's about the title selection, as I said. And as I also said, original exclusive titles really don't sway me too much. And before you even START... Halo HARDLY influenced my decision to buy an Xbox. A factor? Maybe. But not the overall deciding one.
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Don't buy one--you have no reasoning to back up your purchase, and as a 13 year old with a pocket full of 400 bucks to drop on one, I'd suggest waiting and spending your money on something more important. Or hell, just saving your money in general.[/QUOTE]
He's THIRTEEN. He has 400 dollars of disposable income in his hands. He doesn't have to worry about supporting anyone, gas, rent, or anything else. In my eyes, he has every right to drop that 400 bucks on whatever the hell he wants. He has little better to do with it.
The compatability as it stands now, and as it continues, will very likely be good enough for the vast majority of users out there.
And yes, often it can take an hour for me. Because you know what? Not everyone has their RAM maxed out. Not everyone has their processors overclocked. Not everyone has the latest and greatest graphics card on the bloody market. And not everyone has the time, or gives a **** about updating drivers all the damn time.
So when you factor in the time it takes to install, and then account for all the extra little crap someone like me might have to do to make something run slightly above average, yes. It can take an hour. Do I do it all at once? Hell no. I spread it out over a few days. But that hour still remains.
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Basically, no games for it are going to be exclusive except a very select few (99 nights, Rare games, Hexic, PGR, Halo), [/quote]
Congrats on stating the exact reason people like Zloc and I want one.
Exclusive titles don't really concern me. Neither do ports. The over all selection (past and future) DOES. I got an Xbox because it elminated the hassle of dealing with alot of PC crap, while still allowing me to play PC ported titles. And you know what? The Xbox just so happened to also trump the GameCube and PS2 in graphical ability, which made it the better choice for what I wanted.
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]and the PS3 is going to stomp it with titles and power when it comes out.[/quote]
That's nice. Explain to me why I should care. At this point in time, the 360 for me isn't about the power anymore. It's about the title selection, as I said. And as I also said, original exclusive titles really don't sway me too much. And before you even START... Halo HARDLY influenced my decision to buy an Xbox. A factor? Maybe. But not the overall deciding one.
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Don't buy one--you have no reasoning to back up your purchase, and as a 13 year old with a pocket full of 400 bucks to drop on one, I'd suggest waiting and spending your money on something more important. Or hell, just saving your money in general.[/QUOTE]
He's THIRTEEN. He has 400 dollars of disposable income in his hands. He doesn't have to worry about supporting anyone, gas, rent, or anything else. In my eyes, he has every right to drop that 400 bucks on whatever the hell he wants. He has little better to do with it.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand