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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The Big Damn Flanvention (Serenity)
The Big Damn Flanvention (Serenity)
2005-12-12, 11:21 AM #41
yikes... I"ll go down the list

Can we trade shoulders?
No, I'm framing mine ( jk ;) )

Do I try smiling?
Yes, but I was nervous and tired.

Was river crazy in real life?
She wasn't what I expected up close, she was talking really casually about "oh, I've never seen that episode of the simpsons" and seemed a little wierd. Then again, she admitted that she thought she was wierd in one of her Q and A's. She's very shy when she talks to groups, I've noticed after seeing her at two functions, one a few months ago. She's still nice enough. Ask her the right question and she'll give you a good answer.

Can you have my address and what hours am I not home.
No / when I have class.

Did they talk about the future of firefly? Who is and isn't coming back?
Well, Apparantly after I left, there was one last Q and A with EVERYONE instead of just the guys or just the girls. And JOSS WHEDON showed up... I was mad when I read about that. He said that it all really depends on the DVD sales, and he's just glad that people went out and saw his movie. He also talked about content, he said "I KNOW Jubal Early (Objects in Space) is still alive somewhere" Also he said he wanted to deal with Shepherd Book's past somehow. (I read all this on the firefly/serenity forums :P)

Where do I live?
Mission Viejo, CA. AKA Orange County. I used to live in the irvine area too, but I've worked in various places.
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2005-12-12, 2:34 PM #42
Here's my full Big Damn Flanvention Experience :P
My dad and I drove from Orange County to Burbank on Friday, he had a day pass. We weren't sure what exactly was going on the first day, but we did get to see the opening ceremony, where a bunch of Angel and Buffy extras were introduced, and then ofcourse, the opening cast.

After the cast was introduced in a big opening ceremony the first day, and Jewel and Adam (Kaylee and Jayne) walked RIGHT by me and my dad, I about flipped. I walked back outside and met up with my dad again to talk about what we were doing next, and my dad pointed out that jewel again walked right by me to meet someone on the other side of the room. I started to realized that I was going to have to get used to actors walking by me because this was taking place in a small hotel lobby (which was cool!)

At the opening ceremony, it was announced that nathan couldn't be there for the day. After the announcer said he was filming, Alan got up and said "Nathan couldn't be here, he had some male surgery done today. He needed some things moved around, put in different positions. Also, when he comes tommorrow don't be surprised if theres some swelling." Just an example of the humor that goes on between these cast members.

The next day I woke up early (6:30) and my dad and I showed up early for photo ops. He went to check out some music stores and ran into a guy he knew (he's a big guitar/studio/recording buff). While I waited on them, I saw Alan walk in and talk to some people, laughing. Later I saw sean (simon) walking up to the doors of the hotel through the window.

My first photo op was with Jewel, because she was the first one scheduled. She was very nice, "Hi, how are you" to everyone who was in line and got their picture with her. I was the most nervous for this picture because A: It was my first photo op with any of them B: My photo op was with Jewel Staite I felt like crap after the pic because I thought "I wish I could have said something cool"
I had to wait 30 minutes for Alan (Wash) because ron glass (Book) was next and I didn't have a pic with him. Alan was a cool guy, seemed kinda self centered at first glance, but I didn't care. This was the guy from dodgeball and I,robot. I was still nervous walking up to him, and I kinda rushed up for the pic, that's why we're spaced apart. I shook his hand and said "you're a really good actor, thanks." he said "Oh, thanks man." and I walked out to wait for my next photo op.

I had to wait about an hour for Morena (Inara). She was the least talkative, not looking in the general direction of the line, just staring forward, and it was hard to tell if she was stuck up and didn't want to be there or what. She might just look better on camera, anyway, I got next to her for the picture and said "thanks" afterwards and she said "thank you". The nervousness was dying down at this point, it was less shocking to see the cast members after I had each picture.

I had to wait for special pictures after that, tehre were double photo ops like "Simon and river" "Mal and inara" "Mal and jayne" which i didn't buy. (nathan showed up late that day).

I got in line early for a picture with nathan, and there were a bunch of little girls in front of me, and about 200 people behind me. Definately the longest line.

When the girls in front of me got to go, one of them was shaking and crying, looking at nathan and obviously star struck (OMQ it's the captain!) but he was comforting and joked around with her ot make her more comfortable. He got her to smile for the picture (she was almost breaking down). The next two girls were up, one of them got next to him the other simply said "Catch me!" and did a running jump. He caught her and everyone laughed and clapped. The other one said "pick me up too" and he picked them both up, one in each arm, for the picture. The whole room was clapping for 30 seconds on that one. He had to stretch because his back hurt a little. Then it was my turn.

Now, Nathan's a big guy (maybe bigger than adam / jayne!), his whole upper body is muscular, and not as puny as I imagined. He looked alot taller than me at a first glance, I was surprised because I thought he was smaller on the tv show/movie. Anyway, I was holding my only developed picture of me and jewel staite, I set it down, he glanced at it kinda wondering "what's he doing, who is that?" or something at it and then extended his hand and said "Hi, I'm nathan" I shook his hand and said "Hey, nice to meet you" and we took the picture. I thanked him and walked out.
I got the impression that he's a really easy guy to get along with. It would have been easy and cool to hang out with him for an hour.

Anyway, I had to go home and miss out on all the festivities for the day. :( No Q &A's, but I read about them on the internet.

Well, I was planning on leaving around 1:00, but I decided to take my finals work with me and leave early, around 10. I REALLY wanted all of myp ictures autographed, and the signing session was at 3:00. My first time driving to LA alone, and it surprisingly took 1 hour instead of like 3 hours to get from orange county to burbank.

Anyway, when I got there there was a Q and A with the "boys of serenity" which was really the only Q and A I saw. It was hillarious. It had ron, adam, alan, and nathan, but not sean (doctor/simon).
I stayed in the back instead of walked to my seat, because I was late. After awhile I was surprised to find Jewel Staite with her friend about 10 feet away sitting in the back row, aka in front of me. They walked out a few minutes later to go sit near the lunch area.

When they announced it was the last question, I decided to get some lunch, and I did my take-home final while I ate in the hotel grill. At this time there was a Luncheon on the other sdie of the hotel that I didn't cough up $150 bucks for :P. It was with the cast, so there wasn't much going on for the next hour or so anyway.

I spent the next couple of hours waiting for the autographs. It took about an hour for all the Big Damn Passholders ($800 dollar passes) to go through, then they waited another half hour for the weekend passes. I was #146, IE the 96th one after the first 50 BDP's.

When I finally got my turn to get in line for the autographs, I learned that I'd be waiting awhile. I was extremely excited to talk to them all, but it just got strained as I learned slowly that I wasn't going to see them for awhile. I had to patiently wait in line.

It took 30 mintues to go a distance of 30 feet from the door (after waiting in line to GET to the door) to the cast tables, because they were all talking to cast members and signing. I got really annoyed with the two wierd people chatting next to me because I was hoping to get in, get the autographs, and then go home.

Morena (inara) was first. I wanted to ask her about Wonder Woman and if she was still up for the role, but for some reason the words didn't come out. I forgot my sticker with my name on it so she asked me "where's your name?" I said "Oh, it's alex, let me get the paper" And she smiled and said "I think I can remember Alex." She seemed ALOT nicer than I thought she'd be when she was talking, though. Wasn't as stuck up as I originally thought.

Next was Sean (Simon). He looked at the group photo that I was having everyone I hadn't had my picture with sign for a few moments, obviously he was reminiscing from the day it was taken. He signed it and I asked him "so does your hand hurt yet signing all these pictures?" He smiled and said "no, no, actually it's moving slow enough so it's not a big deal. It could get worse later but it's been pretty easy." Then he moved on to the next person.

Summer (river) was next. she was kinda staring into space and listening/talking to those annoying people in front of me. She was more chatty it seemed. I remember one of them say "it's like that episode of the simpsons where lisa drinks the poison and goes insane" And summer said "really? I've never seen that one." But she seemed really into the conversation, like her personality is a "pick up and go" with conversations type. I didn't really speak to her at all but I thanked her for the autograph.

Jewel was next. She was talking about how she was getting tired and was getting ready to go home, but she was cute anyway. I wanted to say more than "Hi, my name's alex." And "thanks." but I couldn't think of anything :P.

Then there was this giant dividing table in between the cast members, and I had to wait for a bit. Alan Tudyk (wash) was next. I wanted to make up for my crappy photo earlier and I thought of something to say. When I handed him my photo...

"So for Dodgeball, I read that you were the only one who didn't show up with a pirate outfit?"
*Kinda confused* "For the audition?"
"No, I was the ONLY one who DIDN'T wear a pirate outfit"
"Yeah, that's what I meant (maybe some miscommunication? :P)
"Yeah it was wierd, I showed up and I'm seeing all these people and I'm like 'What the hell is THIS all about?'"
He went on about how somehow he luckily or barely got the job or something, I didn't catch it all because the line was moving. I'm still stoked as I'm writing this that I even had the conversation with him, he was a cool guy.

Next up was Ron (shepherd) who was deep inconversation with the guy next to him. He looked at my group photo just like sean and summer and smiled like he'd forgotten about hte picture for a long time.
Then he talked to the guy behind me about how he was from new York and it was a big weather difference.

Nathan was up next.
"Hey how's it going. Alex?" (I had a note with my name on it for the cast members so they could see who to sign it to)
"yeah, short name, easy to write (I was referring to morena saying "I can remember alex" but after I said it I realized that I sounded liek a douche)
*starts signing*
"So when does slither (his next movie) come out?"
"End of march. ...
...ARe you going to see it?"
"Yeah, I'll see it."
"Make sure you laugh, if you don't I'll be mad."
"*laughing* Ok I will."
(I thought it war a horror movie? So I was really confused when he said this, I just kinda nodded and said "ok". I saw the trailer this morning though and I understand why he wanted me to laugh)
"Oh, I signed it that I'm taller than you, I hope you're not offended."
"Oh yeah, *dumbfounded* I actually thought you were taller when we took the picture."

I Showed him the group picture, which is glanced at for a second like the others.
"So do you like the hat?"
"Uhh...the hat?"
"The Jayne hat?"
"Oh, yeah I like the hat. I've got it at home."
"I never see you wearing it at conventions, so I was just wondering"
"Oh yeah, *set down the autographed picture* I'm guessing...I'll probably put it up for auction one of these days"
"cool, *grabbed the picture* thanks!"

(He put up lots of jayne stuff for auction, the head of the statue from "Jaynestown" was on a big pole, one of his shirts with a bullet hole went for like $1500, and some other stuff.)

Then I left to go home for more finals studying :P.

I did my best to have a decent small conversation with them all, they were generally very nice. It was definately worth remembering.
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2005-12-12, 4:25 PM #43
sweet action
2005-12-12, 8:17 PM #44
*insanely jealous*
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2005-12-12, 8:33 PM #45
Lucky *******!

Wash sounds kickass
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-12-13, 4:41 PM #46
W00t, I went to the store to get em framed today.. it's going to be a frickin 300 dollar frame for all 5 pictures.

But it's my christmas present from my parents so I guess it's all good. I paid for the convention and the photos anyway (400 bucks).

It's got this nice black frame with rustyish/red outlines, it has 3 layers of Silver, maroon (rustyish?), and black on the inside. It should look good as it matches other pictures in my room with red insides/black frames. Anyway, that was my update, unfortunately, no more on the convention.

Actually... I"ll throw in a couple things I heard at the Q and A for kicks.

Alan and Adam (Wash and Jayne) were asked how was it working with will smith (I,Robot / Independence Day), and Alan said that he was a good guy except he was always punching him because he was such a great boxer from the movie Ali. Will would punch him at the buffet tables, all over the place. One day, Alan went to Nathan Fillion's house (Mal). When Nathan tried to give Alan a hug, he flinched and Nathan was freaking out.

He also said something about how it was very difficult as Steve the Pirate in Dodgeball to play dodgeball in knee-high leather boots. Nathan quickly said "I know." That got a laugh.

There was talk about jokes they played on the set. Nathan talked about how the first day he bought his car, someone did something to it to make it click and tick all the time. Eventually he found out who, one of the set guys. He said something like "You don't tell dead baby jokes at a wedding, you don't cry in a fight, and you don't F*** with someone's car!" It was funny.

Someone asked what their first impressions were when they were starting the show, and Alan (Wash) started saying "well, I remember my first impressions of the captain. I was there for the first time, meeting everybody, and I was anxious to meet the guy who was playing the captain."
Nathan interjected "This is true. A True story."
Alan continued, "So anyway, I see this guy standing there with dark hair and I'm thinking to myself 'theres no way this is the captain. He doesn't have the look, his gestures don't show it, this guy could ruin the entire show.' So I walk up and start talking to him 'Hey man, how's it going, I'm Alan, I'm playing Wash.' 'Hey nice to meet you' 'So this is good script, you know this looksl ike it's going to be a good show.' 'Yeah, it looks great.' And I'm thinking as I'm tlaking to him, This guy Definately isn't captain material. So we're still talking and I say 'so you're the captain huh?' and he replies 'No, I"m the doctor.' *everyone laughs*
"wait, who's playing the captain?"
"the captain's the guy right over there."
*more laughing.

That's the gist of the small portion I saw, but there were lots more moments like those. I only saw maybe 25% of ONE of the 4 or 5 Q and A's. You can brows the serenity forums for more info. ( I did, they're pretty funny)
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2005-12-13, 5:30 PM #47
Why is the thread title on the main page spelled FlaMvention and the title inside the thread is spelled FlaNvention?
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-12-13, 5:53 PM #48
Originally posted by Crimson:
Why is the thread title on the main page spelled FlaMvention and the title inside the thread is spelled FlaNvention?

Because typos kick ***.
2005-12-13, 6:21 PM #49
I actually tried to correct it ... but it doesn't correct it/change the topic title.
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2005-12-13, 6:29 PM #50
Fixed it for ya.

Anyway, thats really cool. Im pretty jealous even though i wouldnt spend that much :p
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-12-13, 9:11 PM #51
Originally posted by Zell:
Because typos kick ***.

I always thought the two titles were the same thing. I guess not?
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-12-13, 9:42 PM #52
I just fixed it
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.

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